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How to Mark an Online Quiz Manually

Learn how to mark open ended text questions

Quiz Icons with marks
Author: Michael Hodge
Updated: 16th Mar 2022

Learn how to manually mark online quizzes in minutes

There are many circumstances where you may wish to manually mark short and long text quiz questions. Quite often your quiz will contain both automatically scored multiple choice questions and short answer text based questions which require manual scoring. This guide will show you how to mark these questions, have the final grade automatically calculated and the student notified of their final grade. You can also choose to add question feedback for quiz answers.

How to manually mark your online quiz

Lets assume you've already created your online quiz and that your students have provided either short or long text answers you wish to manually mark. When you create an online quiz or test with QuizMaker you can choose to manually mark the question. By default our marking system will show you only these questions so you can quickly mark your entire class. Alternatively you can change the top dropdown to show all questions if you wish to adjust or manually mark other questions. The following are the steps to manually mark an online quiz.

  1. Hit the More button in the Dashboard next to your quiz and select 'Mark'
  2. Click your first response
  3. Now assign marks to questions
  4. Hit Save and then Send to notify the student of their final score
  5. You may optionally leave feedback in the provided field if you wish to
  6. Hit next to move to the next response

When you revisit the marking list you'll see your progress through the responses to be marked as well as the students final score.

Combine automatic and manual scoring in your online test

If your quiz contains automatically scored multiple choice questions QuizMaker will recalculate the final score after you save your manually scored questions. Complete the steps above to manually score the text questions then hit Save. The manual and automatically assigned scores will now be used to calculate the final score. You can also automatically send an update to the student to let them know their final mark is available.

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