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PASS!  Congrats, you are able to identify Ai created images fairly easily...enjoy this skill while it lasts!
{"name":"Ai vs Real Photography8 Seconds per image...and GO!", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/results318902-6b0BaC0D-TFY59OAT","txt":"0","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/CDN/96-4742037/which-one-ai-vs-real-photograph-quiz-headshot-test.jpg?sz=1200-01003000000840105300","hash":"#aivsheadshot, #Aichallenge"}
Enjoy Our Quiz? Learn Photography from Us!
Thank you for taking the time to try our social experiment. As a special Thank  You, we at Fstoppers would like to offer you 15% off any of our photography education found at https://www.fstoppers.com/store/tutorials . Simply use the code "Ai" at checkout to save 15% instantly!

Want to become a better photographer like Peter Hurley and start making money taking headshots full time or part time? Check out Peter's tutorial Perfecting the Headshot to create images seen in this quiz. 
Are you new to the camera and not sure what type of photography you are interested in?  Check out our comprehensive course The Well-Rounded Photographer where you can get a taste of 8 different genres by 8 different instructors. This massive tutorial covers genres like headshots, landscapes, products, editorial, architectural and real estate,  swimwear, and even the business of photography. 
Finally, if shooting people isn't your thing, but you love to travel, check out our brand new Photographing the World Japan! This is our most popular landscape series featuring landscape photographer Elia Locardi. If you've traveled with us to Iceland, Dubai, North and South America, and Southeast Asia, you will love seeing all the amazing photography oppotunities Elia finds in Japan. 

Media Inquiries Contact patrick@fstopers.com
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