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Goth Egirl (Smol and Big Tiddies)
You are the Goth GF of this 21st century. Congrats, every weirdos dream. You more than likely don't even dress goth, but have a closet full of black clothes because it is the current tread. You grew up watching twilight and thought you were deep because you liked Edgar Allan Poe.
{"name":"What egirl are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/results143675-6f27179F-F4ACXV","txt":"Goth Egirl (Smol and Big Tiddies), You are the Goth GF of this 21st century. Congrats, every weirdos dream. You more than likely don't even dress goth, but have a closet full of black clothes because it is the current tread. You grew up watching twilight and thought you were deep because you liked Edgar Allan Poe.","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/39-1292243/goth-gf-we-should-kiss-in-this-cemetery-i-want-29256483.png?sz=800-00252008810899306463"}
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