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Poll - Puppet Pirates #104 Voting

121 Votes in 1043 days
Created 22nd June 2021 - 4:06 AM
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Results Breakdown - Part 2 / 6

Boochebeard: "Monkey see, monkey do, Gandry! We're losing time, so hop to it!" Gandry: "...I can't see, Captain, so I definitely can NOT do. Now, help me out here, won't you." ~ Alaric Windlass
Boochbeard: “Shhh quiet Gandry! If you blend in, they won’t see us!” Gandry: “I wish I could see myself! Who turned off the lights?!” ~ Able Abe
Boochbeard "Gandry, look for a way to get us out of here." Gandry "I can't see a thing. But I did tell you to ask Hawkules for help!" ~ Valkoor
Boochbeard: "Blast! They've must've saw through our disguises!" Gandry: "And I can't see through this helmet." ~ Eager Lawrence Nesbit
Boochbeard: "Er... part of the ship, part of the crew?" Gandry: "Wrong context for that joke, Captain." ~ Virtuous Vanessa
Boochbeard: "I think one of them's noticing..." Gandry: "This helmet is crushing my face!" ~ ItzGray
Boochbeard: “Oh! Looks like they haven’t noticed” Gandry: “No, capitain! Looks like they have!” ~ Dark William
Boochbeard: "Don't move!" Gandry: "Why? What's happening?" Boochbeard: "Looks like we're stuck between a rock and a hard place." ~ Kai
Gandry: "Are you sure about this? Won't the colossi notice missing pieces of themselves?" Boochbeard: "Oh, don't you worry, they're perfectly harmless. I mean, it's not like they're suddenly gonna come to life and attack us." Colossi: "Don't you believe it." ~ Silent Seth Vinter.
Gandry: "Fine, I'll take the decaf back. You look like you need a triple espresso mocha cream latte with whipped cream and caramel drizzle!" ~ Sam Underhill
Right Statue: “He can’t see” Left Statue: “He can see” Beard: “He can see?” Monkey: “I CAN’T SEE!” ~ Geo
Meanwhile, somewhere in Aquila… ~ Deathmournex
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Answer: The ball costs 5c. Not 10c. One dollar more than 10c is $1.10, $1.10 + 10c is $1.20
One dollar more than 5c is $1.05. The sum of which is $1.10
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