Smart Money Habits

How much money should you have in an emergency fund?
1 month of living expenses
3-6 months of living expenses
I'm too young to start/need an emergency fund
Your checking account balance is running low, and you're not sure whether you've overdrawn. Should you have overdraft protection on your account?
At what age should you start saving for retirement?
Right now.
True or False: You need to buy a new outfit for a wedding you're attending next month. This expense should be included in your monthly budget.
What percentage of your paycheck should you contribute to your 401(k)?
1 percent
10 percent
Enough to get your employer match
You've just signed a lease on your first apartment- congrats! How much of your budget should you be putting toward your housing costs?
As much as you need
About half of my monthly paycheck- The other half should be divided evenly among paying off debt, food, utilities and transportation expenses.
About a third of my monthly paycheck- Any more than that and I wouldn't be able to sock away any funds.
As a new investor, you are uncomfortable with investments you can't easily monitor and track. Which investment vehicle will give you the most transparency?
Mutual fund
Hedge fund
They're all about the same
You've just received your first paycheck at a new job- and not a moment too soon! You have a mountain of student debt, a maxed-out credit card and no emergency savings cushion. What do you address first?
Student loans
Credit card
Emergency savings
You just graduated college and are getting the hang of a new budget. To have some extra money in your paycheck each month, you opt to not contribute to your workplace 401(k). Is that a good idea?
No, you will miss out on compounding interest opportunities. The earlier you can invest in a retirement plan, the better!
Yes, when you are just starting out, it's OK to delay retirement contributions early on.
If you are a conservative investor, which of these likely would not be in your portfolio?
Blue-chip equities
{"name":"Smart Money Habits", "url":"","txt":"How much money should you have in an emergency fund?, Your checking account balance is running low, and you're not sure whether you've overdrawn. Should you have overdraft protection on your account?, At what age should you start saving for retirement?","img":""}
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