Want to know where to start your transformation journey? Take the quiz!

Is your shipment data real-time and at SKU level?
My data is real-time
My data is at SKU level
My data is real time and at SKU level
No, my data is not real-time or at SKU level
How are you currently receiving shipment information?
Via one centralised platform
Through emails and spreadsheets
Is the collection of your supply chain data automated?
No, it requires manual input
Yes, everything is automated
Do you trust your supply chain data?
Yes, it’s reliable, accurate, on time and complete
No, it’s unreliable, inaccurate, late and incomplete
Somewhere in between
How effectively are you using your data?
Very effectively: data informs our decisions and helps us improve
Effectively: data helps us make some decision
Ineffectively: we struggle to get all the data we need to make effective decisions
Extremely ineffectively: we don’t have accurate, real-time and complete data for decision making
{"name":"Want to know where to start your transformation journey? Take the quiz!", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QQVC9S1O0","txt":"Is your shipment data real-time and at SKU level?, How are you currently receiving shipment information?, Is the collection of your supply chain data automated?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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