Idioms & Phrases Part 1

What does the phrase, "an arm and a leg" refer to?
An expensive or an exorbitant amount of money
An extremely dangerous situation
A very boring day
A painful experience
"Take it with a grain of salt." What does this idiom mean?
Don't believe everything you have heard
Take a tequila shot
Variety is the spice of life
Spend lots of time analyzing
When someone says "Your guess is as good as mine" what do they mean?
They have no answer or idea to offer
They made the same wager as you did
They want to be friends
They are on the same diet plan as you
What does it mean if you "miss the boat"?
You are longing for someone
You can't swim
You're late
You missed your opportunity
You like cars
If someone tries to cheer you up by saying, "Every cloud has a silver lining" what do they mean?
Raindrops on the head symbolize good fortune
Good comes from even the worst situations
Grey hairs are good luck
Calories don't count on cloudy dats
When a person offers "a penny for your thoughts" what are they doing?
Asking to borrow money in exchange for advice
Asking for your opinion or thoughts
Offering you a job
Looking for a penal
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