Industrial Mechanic (Millwright) 433A C of Q Free Assessment

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How much is 1 Mpa in psi
a) 14.7 psi
b) 0.0147 psi
c) 145 psi
d) 14.5 psi
How would you cut thin material with a torch?
a) Pencil mark a cutting line and cut with an oxidizing flame at 15-20 deg. from the vertical
b) Scriber mark cutting line and cut with an oxidizing flame at 70-75 deg. from the vertical
c) Clamp any straight edge as a guide for cutting with an oxidizing flame at 15-20 deg. from the vertical
d) Use soap stone to mark cutting line and cut with an oxidizing flame at 70 -75 deg. from the vertical
When installing any machine, the first act of the millwright is to …….
a) Find the bench mark on the machine
b) Find the datum point on the machine
c) Find the reference line on the machine
d) Find the center line on the machine
Why when using an induced fan do we need more maintenance scheduled?
a) Because it is usually a big fan blowing air into the furnace
b) Because it is usually a small fan blowing air from furnace outside
c) Because it is usually a big fan circulating air inside the furnace
d) Because it is a small fan circulating air inside the furnace
What kind of analysis is used in oil sampling
a) Schedule Maintenance
b) Breakdown Maintenance
c) Predictive Maintenance
d) Proactive Maintenance
For a system that has two cylinders, each cylinder has a 2 inch bore with a 10 gpm pump supplying both cylinders. What is the minimum size of the tank?
a) 19.5 gallons
b) 30 gallons
c) 60 gallons
d) 300 gallons
Before installing a pump the Millwright should :
a) Check if bearing is lubricated and turn pump shaft by hand
b) Check if driving in the right direction
c) Prime pump
d) Ensure air from the seal housing is pumped out
The two-screw compressor has two rotors of opposite screw threads that will trap air as it turns. Because of this, they are grouped by volume and pressure. Which of the following would be considered in general use ( medium pressure medium volume)
) 3 + 4 Screw compressors
b) 4 + 6 Screw compressors
c) 6 + 8 Screw compressors
d) No Helical throated screws
If gear A has 24 teeth, gear B has 12, gear C has 60 teeth and gear D has 15. How many revolutions would it take for gear A to turn gear D 2 2/3
a) 2 2/3
b) 2
c) 1 2/3
d) 1 1/3
The basic principle of turbine velocity flow is:
a) Applies direct flow through rotating and stationary blades
b) To direct air/steam at 90 deg. to rotating blades
c) To cause air to move in a serpentine fashion through the turbine
d) To build pressure as it flows through the turbine
{"name":"Industrial Mechanic (Millwright) 433A C of Q Free Assessment", "url":"","txt":"Enter your email address* and click on Next to start your quiz! *Your email will not be sold, shared or used with the exception of Orderline sending you additional information on study aids and courses available to assist in your educational and career goals., How much is 1 Mpa in psi, How would you cut a thin material with a torch?","img":""}
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