What types of after school activities do you participate in?
I don't.
Philanthropy Clubs (LGBTQ, community service, etc)
Science & Tech Clubs (Robotics, Lego,
Creative Clubs (Photography, Art, etc)
My friends would say I am...
A Loner
Never far from my smartphone
You just won $1000. What would you do with the money?
Buy a new computer
Donate some of it to a charity
Go on a shopping spree at the hobby store!
Put it in my savings account
My favorite hang out spot is...
Hunting Pokemon in my town
Library or Animal Shelter
Home on my Computer
In my craft room
What attraction would you rather visit?
The Tech Museum in San Diego
The Denver Zoo
The FamiLAB Makerspace in Orlando
I prefer to avoid large crowds
What entrepreneur would you like to meet?
Thomas Edison, American Inventor
Blake Mycoskie, Founder of Tom's Shoes
Richard Branson, Business Magnate and Virgin Airlines Owner
Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook Founder
Why do you want to start your own business?
To make a difference in the world
To create the next big tech innovation
To spend my days focusing on what I love to do
To unleash my creative genius.
{"name":"What type of Change Agent are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QETXZSO","txt":"Take our entrepreneur quiz to determine what type of Agent of Change you are. Then listen as Agent D fills you in on great business that are right for you.","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/11-521183/rsz-2business-team-globe-2013-d3.jpg?sz=1200-00000021861000005300"}
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