Are you a Jira Jedi?

Where Do You Host Your Jira?
Data Center
Erm, do you mean Trello?
How Many People in Your Organisation Can Make Reports in Jira?
Help me Dev Team, you're my only hope!
That boy is our last hope!
No, there is another.
The force surrounds us all
How Quickly Can You Make a Jira Reporting Dashboard?
We started a long time ago, in a galaxy far away, and still haven't finished.
I assure you Lord Vader, we are working as fast as we can.
If we choose the quick and easy path, we will become agents of evil.
Fast enough for you, old man.
How Do You Report on Jira Data?
Using Jira apps
By exporting to a big data platform
With native Jira dashboards
In Excel
How Often Do You Check Jira Dashboards?
Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.
Rarely - never tell me the odds, kid!
Be mindful of the future, but not at the expense of the moment.
No need to report to that to him until we have something to report.
{"name":"Are you a Jira Jedi?", "url":"","txt":"Where Do You Host Your Jira?, How Many People in Your Organisation Can Make Reports in Jira?, How Quickly Can You Make a Jira Reporting Dashboard?","img":""}
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