Know All About Tobacco and Nicotine Addiction With This Quiz

1. When is World No Tobacco Day observed?
May 30
May 31
May 21
May 11
2. What disease is caused by smoking?
Lung cancer
None of the above
3. What causes lung cancer?
Junk food
All of the above
4. How to quit smoking?
Medication and Counselling
Anti-nicotine tablets
Self-help plan
Unfollow, a stop-smoking group
5. Who first smoked tobacco?
Frenchman named Jean Nicot
Englishman Sailor
All of the above
6. What is the primary addictive in tobacco?
Sweet Flavour
Amazing Fragrance
None of the above
7. What are the withdrawal symptoms of smoking?
All of the above
8. What is nicotines' effect?
Mild stimulant effecting upon heart and brain
Addictive drug
Low doses have a depressant effect
None of the above
9. How long does it take to develop nicotine dependence?
Four Weeks
Two Weeks
Three Weeks
One Week
10. How does tobacco affect your behavior?
Nicotine improves concentration
Decreases stress
Reduces appetite
All of the above
{"name":"Know All About Tobacco and Nicotine Addiction With This Quiz", "url":"","txt":"1. When is World No Tobacco Day observed?, 2. What disease is caused by smoking?, 3. What causes lung cancer?","img":""}
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