Video Game Family Feud Survey

Fill in the blank: I think the BLANK series has too many games in it.
Name an enemy you'd encounter at the very beginning of an RPG.
Name another phrase for "Extra Life"
Name a type of gun every shooter has.
Name a video game character that your mother probably knows.
Name a Water type starter Pokemon.
Name a game known for being difficult.
Name something an annoying friend does when you play games together.
Name a video game character known for being a sidekick.
Fill in the blank: When I think of arcade games, I think of BLANK.
Besides a mushroom, name a powerup Mario might grab.
Name a game where you play as (or mostly as) a female character.
Name a game you'd play to relax.
Name a button you'd find on any controller.
Name a game series with 10+ entries.
Besides Tails, name someone Sonic sees a lot.
Name a game that's too scary for an 8 year old to play.
Name a video game villain that just keeps coming back.
Name a video game character that doesn't talk.
Name a game with a really big map.
Name a service an NPC might provide a player.
Fill in the blank: Every adventure game has (a) BLANK as an item.
Name a fighting game with a lot of characters.
Name a game franchise that has a new game released every year.
Name a game with a lot of blood.
How many hours is a "long" game?
Name a way video game characters heal themselves.
Name a type of enemy you'd find in a horror game.
Name something in a game that might make you nervous.
Besides a princess, who might the player be rescuing in a game?
Name a game that both adults and children play.
Besides the Master Sword, name a weapon Link might use.
Name a multiplayer mode you'd find in most shooters.
Name a horror game you really wouldn't want to find yourself in.
Name a video game known for "ruining friendships."
Name a game with lots of collectables.
Name a famous "first town" from a game.
Name a game that was universally panned by critics and players.
Fill in the blank: When I think of the PlayStation 1, I think of BLANK.
Name a game known for a great soundtrack.
That's all of the questions! Thank you for taking our survey. If you have any future question suggestions, put them here!
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