Master Electrician's License Free Assessment

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_______________ or ___________ mean annual recorded depth is considered to be a light snow area according to the OESC.
a) .5 m, more
b) .3 m, less
c) 500 mm, less
d) 1 m, more
All trees and woody growth adjacent to lines shall be trimmed to the nearest conductor:
a) 1 m for secondary lines
b) 14 m for primary lines
c) all of the above
d) none of the above
__________cm is the minimum vertical clearance in-span for maximum 600V bare conductors.
a) 10
b) 100
c) 40
d) 120
_____ AWG is the minimum size conductor for a full voltage stop start station controlling a 30 amp motor starter protected by a 50 amp fuse.
a) 8
b) 10
c) 12
d) 14
An overhead primary line, measured with the conductor at rest, shall not be located horizontally within ____m of a large system wind turbine.
a) 3.1
b) 6
c) 6.1
d) 12
Approval is not necessary for electrical equipment when it is connected to a ___________ external to the equipment.
a) Class 2 power supply
b) Class 2 power supply
c) a) or b)
d) None of the above: this is not a true statement - a permit is always required for electrical equipment.
An ESA connection authorization is___________ required by a single dwelling unit owner replacing a 15 amp like-for-like 15 amp 120 volt single pole switch connected to aluminum wiring.
a) not
b) always
c) not available nor
d) any of the above
In a pharmaceutical factory a guardrail shall have a top rail not less than _____ cm and not more than _______ cm above the surface to be guarded and shall have a ________ rail and a _____board if tools may fall on a worker.
a) 91, 107, mid, toe
b) 91, 110, toe, mid
c) 90, 120, toe, knee
d) 90, 110, knee, chest
A corporation found guilty of neglecting to comply with an ESA order to r emove electrical work is liable to ___________________.
a) a fine of maximum $50,000
b) imprisonment of up to one year
c) $5,000 per day that the neglect is continued
d) $1,000,000 maximum
A critical injury is defined as the following:
a) fractured toe
b) index finger amputation
c) blood loss
d) loss of sight in both eyes
A Bid Depository is an ________________ that __________________ tenders on behalf of the ________________ for the projects involved.
a) architectural agency, chooses, general contractor
b) quantity surveying firm, inspects, sub-contractors
c) open tender, prequalifies, invitation only contractors
d) administrative 3rd party agency, collects & administers, owner
Before beginning a project the __________ shall prepare a list of all designated substances present at a construction site.
a) constructor
b) contractor
c) employer
d) owner
A minimum of ____toilets are required when ____ workers are regularly employed at a construction project.
a) 1, 17
b) 2, 20
c) 3, 23
d) 3, 30
Without making an action or order for a trial a perfected lien expires immediately after the 2nd anniversary date of the action that ____the lien.
a) perfected
b) perserved
c) expired
d) enforce
________ is the required minimum arc rating of PPE clothing worn in Arc Flash PPE Category 4.
a) 4
b) 8
c) 25
d) 40
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