Question 35

A 72 year old woman awoke with right eye pain and goes immediately to the emergency room. The first year resident sees her on call and astutely (and correctly!) diagnoses her with a 7mmx7mm corneal abrasion. There is no infiltrate and she does not wear contacts. The resident starts her on an antibiotic drop and she is followed in clinic over the next few days. The epithelium is healing, but she subsequently develops chalky white precipitates in the corneal epithelium. What antibiotic drop did the resident most likely prescribe?
Polymyxin B sulfate/trimethoprim
{"name":"Question 35", "url":"","txt":"A 7 month old patient presents with nystagmus. It is noted to be bilateral, horizontal and symmetric. You perform an alignment exam, pupillary exam and visual acuity which shows good alignment, normal pupils and a visual acuity of CUSM OU. The next step in management is:","img":""}
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