Are you a Master Assessor?

Describe your ability to read other people
People are hard to understand, unless you know them really well.
I usually do not think about how other people are feeling, but I can usually tell if they are upset.
I can tell how people are feeling without communicating with them.
Describe your ability to decipher skills that people require to do their job well
People require good attitude not skills to be successful at their job
I could identify that people require skills and knowledge to do their job well
I could identify that successful people typically require a combination of knowledge, skills and attitude to get results
Describe your ability to design an assessment center
I can roll out an assessment center with the tools and framework provided by an expert
I am not an expert in designing tools but I know how to design an assessment center given the need of the business
I can customize assessment tools and framework to meet specific business needs
Describe your knowledge about the science and mechanics of the tools designed for behavioral assessments
I know that validity and reliability are the two most important psychometric properties of the assessment tools
I know about the assessment tool construct, psychometric properties and how to establish them
I can create a new assessment tool with an original construct and test its robustness through different methodologies
Describe your ability to collate behavioural evidences in an assessment center
I could easily make sense of the diverse data points and present them sequentially
I could integrate all the data points and present them constructively
I could interpret diverse and contradictory data points and present my insights
Describe your ability to design a report for an individual’s performance in an assessment center
I could design a report that summarizes the individual’s behaviour
I could design a report that is contextualized to the role
I could design a report that provides recommendations to modify behaviour
Describe your ability to bring change in individual behavior through feedback
Changing is a person’s choice. I can effectively share my recommendations
I can motivate a person to introspect and accept the feedback
I can inspire the person to see the need for change and insight into what needs to change
{"name":"Are you a Master Assessor?", "url":"","txt":"Describe your ability to read other people, Describe your ability to decipher skills that people require to do their job well, Describe your ability to design an assessment center","img":""}
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