Photography for Dummies Quiz 2

In simple terms, what is ISO a measure of in digital photography?
The amount of light reaching the sensor
The sensitivity of the image sensor to light
The type of sensor that the camera has
International Organization for Standardization
It is a very bright day outside, will you need to raise your ISO to take photos?
Yes, for sure
No, not necessary
More information required
What are the effects of increasing your ISO when taking a photo? Pick as many answers as you like
A darker image
Less grain in the image
More grain or noise in the image
A Brighter image
What is exposure?
Exposure is light
Exposure is the amount of light hitting the image sensor per unit area
Exposure is the area of the image sensor
Exposure is the amount of light that escapes the camera
What does ISO stand for?
International Organization for Standardization
International Standardization Organization
International Science Operations
International Schematic Organization
What 3 things control your exposure?
Sensor Size
Shutter Speed
Lens Design
Size of Camera
You are photographing a night event for your friend, is it ok to raise your ISO to correctly expose your photos?
No it is not, the noise will be unbearable
Yes, it is perfectly fine as long as it isn't raised too high
Yes it is, ISO should be raised as high as possible
No, ISO should never be increased no matter what
{"name":"Photography for Dummies Quiz 2", "url":"","txt":"In simple terms, what is ISO a measure of in digital photography?, It is a very bright day outside, will you need to raise your ISO to take photos?, What are the effects of increasing your ISO when taking a photo? Pick as many answers as you like","img":""}
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