Pet Personality Quiz

What is your dog's breed?
Australian Shepherd INFJ
American Pit Bull Terrier ENTJ
Beagle ESTP
Boxer ENTJ
Border Collie ESTP
Chihuahua ISTJ
French Bulldog ENTP
Goldendoodle ESFJ
Golden Retriever ENFJ
German Shepherd ISFJ ENTJ
Maltese ISTJ
Pomeranian ISTJ
Shih Tzu ISTJ
Siberian Husky ESTJ
Yorkshire Terrier INTJ INFP
Corgi ESFP
Which toy does your dog pick first!?
Tennis ball, duh E
I sleep more than I play. I
Puzzle toys! I S T J
Frisbee E S T
Your shoe! I
Noise Maker E N
Describe your dog's walking style.
Perfect Heel every time. I S J
Sniff everything.P F S I
What is walking? Run only! E F
I have to be in front! E T P
When you say "sit," your dog...?
Sits instantly. I S T J
Sits if there is food or toy present. E S T
Ignores you! I F P
Barks and Spins E F
Slowly sits down. I T J S
Where does your dog sleep?
Takes up the entire bed. F P
On the floor next to you. T S
On a dog bed. F P
Couch only! F P
What does your dog do when you're not home?
Sleep. Snore. Drool. Repeat I S T J
Dig. E N P F
Zoomies E P
Watches the door. S T J
How does your dog let you know when they need to go outside?
Run around excitedly. E T S
Ring a bell. J S T
Stare at you and whine. I S T
Independent dog, I go on my own. I S T J
When meeting new people, your dog:
Jumps all over and licks them. P E
Keeps a personal space bubble. I S T
Looks at you to see how you react. J T S I
Sniff Sniff E N F P
We just arrived at the park. It's time to:
Zoomies. E P
Chase other doggos. E P F
Throw the toy already. I S T
Sniff everyone and everything. E F P N
You stub your toe and yell! Your dog:
Ignores you. E F
Sniff and move on. I F P N
Licks to cheer you up. E S P
Patient concern and comfort. I S T J
{"name":"Pet Personality Quiz", "url":"","txt":"What is your dog's breed?, Which toy does your dog pick first!?, Describe your dog's walking style.","img":""}
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