Curbside Composting in Iowa City
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What color top does the curbside composting container have?
Which materials are classified as yard waste?
Grass, leaves, branches
Other garden residue
Garlic mustard and other invasive species
Plant pots & plastic garden netting/liners
Which materials are classified as food scraps?
Cigarette butts & ashes
Coffee grounds
Meat & bones
What other materials can go in the yellow-topped compost cart?
Natural hair
Plates & cups that are certified ASTM D6400 or labeled "certified compostable"
Pizza boxes & paper clamshell containers
Pumpkins & gourds
"I'm not sure this item can be composted. I should compost it."
On collection day for curbside composting I should...
Place cart at curb by 7AM
Use plastic bags
Not overfill the cart
Put food and yard waste in same cart
Where are the landfill and recycling drop-off locations around Iowa City?
Iowa City Landfill & Recycling Center; 3900 Hebl Ave. SW
East Side Recycling Center; 2401 Scott Blvd. SE
South Riverside Recycling Center; 1200 S. Riverside Dr.
{"name":"Curbside Composting in Iowa City Please click \"back\" to review your answers", "url":"","txt":"What color top does the curbside composting container have?, Which materials are classified as yard waste?, Which materials are classified as food scraps?","img":""}
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