French Revolution

Who called the Estates-General in 1789 to raise taxes and pay off growing debt?
King Louis XV
King Louis XVI
King Charles X
Marquis de Saint-Simon
What proportion of the Estates-General Assembly were the non-aristoratic 'Third Estate' in 1789?
In what location did the newly formed National Assembly meet to swear an oath not to disperse until constitutional aims had been achieved?
On a tennis court
In a saloon
In a chauteau outside Paris
Garden of the Rodin Museum
During the French Revolution, which event was caused by the need for gunpowder and weapons?
Storming of the Bastille
Riots of 1791
White Terror
Women's March on Versailles
Which political philisophy inspired the principles of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen?
Which of these key figures was NOT guillotined during the Reign of Terror phase of French Revolution?
King Louis XVI
Marie Antoinette
Which of these fashions was NOT associated with the sans-culottes, militia men of the lower orders?
Knee-length breeches
Sabots (clogs)
Red caps
Carmagnoles (short skirted coats)
How many minutes were in each hour of the French Revolutionary Calendar, which replaced the Gregorian calendar from 1793-1805?
When was the last person beheaded by state prosecutors in France?
Who was the radical journalist - editor of 'The Friend of the People' - that was assassinated by Charlotte Corday?
Georges Danton
Paul Barras
Jacques Pierre Brissot
Jean Paul Marat
Which countries did the elected Legislative Assembly declare war on in April 1792?
Austria and Italy
Austria and Prussia
Italy and Spain
Spain and Portugal
What were the group granted extraordinary powers to protect France from outside invasion known as?
The Directory
The Jacobins
The Committee of Public Safety
The Protectors
What name do historians give to the moderate period after the death of Robespierre, a response to the Reign of Terror's excesses?
Thermidorian Reaction
Messidorian Reaction
Brumairian Reaction
Prairial Reaction
When did Napoleon Bonaparte lead a coup d'etat to abolish the Directory and appoint himself France's 'first counsul'?
November 1799
January 1799
February 1801
March 1805
Which element of French society did the Napoleonic Code affect?
Power of the church
Legal system
Military priorities
The press
{"name":"French Revolution", "url":"","txt":"Who called the Estates-General in 1789 to raise taxes and pay off growing debt?, What proportion of the Estates-General Assembly were the non-aristoratic 'Third Estate' in 1789?, In what location did the newly formed National Assembly meet to swear an oath not to disperse until constitutional aims had been achieved?","img":""}
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