WoundSource Practice Accelerator:
COVID-19 and Wound Care
Test your knowledge based on your learning from the materials provided in the WoundSource Practice Accelerator program on COVID-19 and wound care.

What precautions can be taken to prevent spreading COVID-19 to patients?
Encouraging in-person visits whenever possible
Using hand sanitizer after patient contact
Wearing PPE
Proper hand washing and wearing PPE
There is no difference between telemedicine and telehealth.
Performing the mask fit test should include:
Checking the seal
Monitoring for appropriate fit
Checking for facial skin redness, soreness, and pain
All the above
Self-check practices for health care workers are imperative to ensure safety and to optimize delivery of care. How can health care workers achieve this?
Hydration, nutrition, and rest
Staying home if you are sick
All the above
What dressing type can help in skin injury protection beneath the N95 respirator mask?
Alginate dressing
Low-profile dressing
Superabsorbent dressing
Hydrofiber dressing
What product is used to create a barrier to skin against friction, moisture, and pressure?
Hydrogel dressing
Alginate dressing
Liquid sealant
Collagen dressing
Medical device–related pressure injuries (MDRPIs) have been on the rise during the COVID-19 crisis.
How often should health care workers wearing N95 masks relieve pressure?
Remove mask for 15 minutes every 2 hours outside of patient contact areas
Remove mask for 5 minutes every 4 hours
Remove mask for 15 minutes every 2 hours or lift mask for 5 minutes every 2 hours
As needed
What patient teaching strategies will help maximize learning potential for patients?
Evaluate what type of learner your patient is
Ask questions to test knowledge base
Use lay terms for better understanding
All the above
What are some ways to provide an enhanced patient care experience during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Determine essential vs. non-essential wound care patients
Stagger wound clinic appointments
Utilize telemedicine technology to maximize patient engagement and care
All of the above
{"name":"WoundSource Practice Accelerator: COVID-19 and Wound Care Test your knowledge based on your learning from the materials provided in the WoundSource Practice Accelerator program on COVID-19 and wound care.", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/Q3RTX5IN","txt":"What precautions can be taken to prevent spreading COVID-19 to patients?, There is no difference between telemedicine and telehealth., Performing the mask fit test should include:","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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