Take our quiz to find out if you exhibit "white fragility" traits

Which of these feelings have you had when someone has suggested that something you’ve said or done might be racist? (Check all that apply.)
Singled out
I've never had any of these feelings
How have you responded when someone has suggested that something you’ve said or done might be racist? (Check all that apply.)
Physically left
Focused on intentions
Emotionally withdrew
Sought absolution
I've never behaved any of these ways
Which of these statements have you made when someone has suggested that something you’ve said or done might be racist? (Check all that apply)
I know people of color.
The real oppression is class [or gender, or anything other than race].
I marched in the sixties.
You don't know me.
That is just your opinion.
I disagree.
You're playing the race card.
You are making me feel guilty.
You hurt my feelings.
I just said one little innocent thing.
You misunderstood me.
Some people find offense where there is none.
The problem is your tone.
I can't say anything right.
That was not my intention.
I have suffered too.
I've never said any of these statements.
What beliefs do you hold about your relationship to racism? (Check all that apply.)
I am free of racism.
I am the best judge of whether racism has occurred.
Racism is intentional; I only have good intentions.
I have suffered and faced barriers so I do not have racial privilege.
I am a good person, so I can’t be racist.
It’s unkind to point out racism.
Racism is conscious bias. I am not biased, so I am not racist.
I was taught to treat everyone the same
I have friends of color, so I can’t be racist.
There is no problem; society is fine the way it is.
Racism is a simple problem. People just need to open their minds.
My worldview is objective.
Anyone who thinks I am racist has misunderstood me.
I've never held any of these beliefs.
{"name":"Take our quiz to find out if you exhibit \"white fragility\" traits", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QYKTLOG","emurl":1,"txt":"Which of these feelings have you experienced when your assumptions about race have been challenged? (Check all that apply.), How have you behaved when your assumptions about race were challenged? (Check all that apply.), Which of these statements have you made when your assumptions about race were challenged? (Check all that apply)","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/31-1074742/quizheader.png?sz=1200-00000000001000005300"}
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