Flagger National Practice Test

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Which of the following manuals contains national standards and guidelines for flagger control?
A. National Rules for Flaggers
B. Federal Flagger Administration's Flogger Guidelines
C. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
D. Flagger Activities Guidelines (FLAG)
The empty space allowed for recovery of errant vehicles that may drive through the flagger taper is called the ________.
A. The clear zone
B. Traffic space
C. Work space
D. Buffer space
The primary and preferred hand-signaling device used by flaggers is ________.
A. A red flag
B. An orange flag
C. The STOP/SLOW paddle
D. A red glow cone
When working as a flagger, you should ________.
A. Frequently check Facebook
B. Be alert and visible
C. Check your emails
D. Be close to other workers
5. Signs, like the FLAGGER AHEAD sign, are typically located in the ________.
A. Advance Warning Area
B. Transition Area
C. Work Space
D. Flagger Area
On a typical flagger operation, the arrow board ________.
A. Should be at the beginning of the taper
B. Should be next to the flagger
C. Should be delineated with cones
D. Should not be used
In which of the following situations is it not typical to use flaggers?
A. Two-lane roads
B. Haul roads (construction entrance)
C. Freeways
D. Surveys
8. If you are working as a flagger, make sure there is at least a ________ sign setup ahead of you.
The STOP/SLOW paddles shall ________.
A. Be red on both sides
B. Be octagonal (8 sides) in shape
C. Say STOP and GO in white letter
D. Have flashing lights
If flags are being used to control traffic during an emergency, they shall be ________.
A. Red and 24 inches square
B. Orange and 24 inches square
C. Red and 18 inches square
D. Orange and 18 inches square
According to the MUTCD, when flagging, flaggers shall wear as a minimum ANSI 107 Class _____ high-visibility safety apparel clothing.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
A flagger should have ________.
A. A sense of responsibility
B. Ability to maneuver quickly
C. The proper equipment to do the job
D. All of the above
The preferred flagger location of a flagger working on the closed lane is ________.
A. In the middle of the road, for better visibility
B. Close to other workers, to blend in
C. On the shoulder at the beginning of the flagger taper
D. On the center line
Which statement is true?
. A flagger should remain in position until relieved by another qualified flagger or until the end of the work operation
A flagger can never move from the shoulder
C. It is permissible to listen to an AM/FM radio at low volume
Workers should rest near the flagger's position where they will be most visible
If you get tired when working as a flagger, you should ________.
A. Tell your supervisor and ask for a break
B. Abandon your position and take a nap in the nearby bushes
C. Stick the STOP/SLOW paddle in a 5-gallon bucket filled with cement
D. Hold your position but close your eyes to rest
If a driver ignores your STOP command, you should ________.
A. Leave your post to call the police
B. Get in your vehicle and chase the car down.
C. Jump in front of the moving vehicle to stop it
D. Make sure you are safe and then warn fellow workers
A flagger operation is taking place on a two-lane highway with multiple access points (like driveways or small side streets). Which of the following is TRUE about this operation?
A. Only one flagger can do the job
B. Two flaggers can do the job if they are really smart
C. All access points must be controlled by a flagger
D. Orange flags may be used
When working as a flagger in a rural area, make sure that you have at least _____ feet of visibility to approaching drivers
A. 50
B. 100
C. 500
D. 1,000
A flagger taper should be _____ feet and have at least _____ cones.
A. 50-100, 6
B. 50-100, 3
C. 250, 6
D. 250, 3
According to the MUTCD, on a rural two-lane road with a speed limit of 35 miles per hour, the FLAGGER symbol sign should be _____ feet ahead of the flagger.
The preferred method of communication between flaggers is ________.
A. Shouting
B. Two-way radios (walkie talkie)
C. Passing flags or batons
D. Morse code
If only one flagger is being used for a one-lane, two-way operation, the flagger should ________.
A. Use two flags instead of a paddle
B. Stand on the shoulder opposite from the work area
C. Move from one end of the work area to the other really fast
D. Use a paddle with "STOP" on both sides
When releasing mainline traffic past a haul road (construction entrance), the STOP side of the paddle should face ________.
A. You, the flagger
B. Oncoming traffic
C. Traffic from the opposite direction
D. The opposite shoulder
What is the first thing you should do if a driver disobeys your command to STOP and keeps going?
A. Protect yourself by getting out of the way
B. Try to stop the car by jumping in front of it
C. Call the police
D. Chase the car so you can write down a license plate number
When working as a flagger at night, ________.
A. Make sure the flagger station is illuminated and use a retroreflective paddle
B. The flagger signals are different
C. A retroreflective orange flag is required
D. The STOP/SLOW paddle shall have flashing lights
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