Green Home Quiz

What’s the lighting situation in your home?
Natural light, compact fluorescent lights (CFL), and LEDs.
A mix of energy-efficient lighting and incandescent lights.
Mostly traditional incandescent lighting.
I don't know. Whatever came with the house.
How is dinner served on most nights?
On paper plates.
On biodegradable paper plates.
On dishes, especially when it’s not my turn to wash.
Take out containers.
When shopping for things, you:
Buy local.
Buy organic.
Buy whatever is on sale – I prefer to save my green than be green.
Keep lists to cut down on number of trips to the store.
How do you maintain your yard?
I regularly water, apply fertilizer, and comprehensively maintain it.
I don’t maintain my yard and leave things up to nature.
I maintain it every now and then, but not actively.
I water on a scheduled basis and use timers to ensure proper watering amounts.
What greens do you have in your home?
I have a garden with herbs and vegetables and maintain trees and plants.
I have native plants and houseplants.
There are some potted plants around the house.
I wish my home could have more plants.
How do you recycle? Select all that apply.
I recycle things when I can remember.
I bring all recyclable items to a recycling center.
I have separate bins for paper, glass, and plastic and use curbside pickup.
I have a compost bin for kitchen scraps.
Which, if any, of these power-saving measures have you undertaken? Select all that apply.
Adjust thermostat by season and use ceiling and stand fans.
Connect devices to a multi-socket power strip that I turn off when not in use.
Replace lightbulbs in my house for CFLs or LEDs.
I wash my clothes with only cold water.
If you had to choose one green goal to accomplish by the end of the year, which would it most likely be?
Reduce power consumption during peak hours for financial incentives.
Install energy-efficient appliances.
Focus on reusing my things rather than recycling.
Switch to all recycled or eco-friendly products for my home.
What are your cleaning materials of choice?
Lemon juice and vinegar.
Natural, eco-friendly products.
Anything that works.
Branded sprays, wipes, and liquids.
Your gadgets at home (chargers, clocks, television, etc.) are powered by
Mostly batteries and power cords.
Some via batteries, some via solar energy.
Mostly solar power or other alternative sources of power.
I don't own many gadgets, I live simply.
What are your views on utilizing solar panels for your household?
I already have them installed.
I'm considering them, it's just a matter of the final details.
I'm interested and am exploring different options at the moment.
I understand their benefits, but I'll probably never go in that direction.
When the temperature drops, what do you do?
Turn up the heater just a bit or use the fireplace.
I’ll just throw on a jacket, a snuggle up with a blanket.
My home is properly insulated so I don’t have to worry.
Crank up the thermostat until it is toasty.
How do you reduce water use? Choose all that apply.
Only wash dishes on a full load and air-dry them.
Turn off the water when I brush my teeth.
Utilize low-flow showerheads and water-saving toilets.
I take only showers, no baths.
You live in:
The heart of the city.
The city outskirts.
The suburbs.
In more rural areas.
What are your overall thoughts on your home going green?
I’m willing to go green if I have the money and the time.
It’s been quite easy to go green, although I’m not sure if I’m making a difference.
Small changes in my home can make a big difference for the Earth.
{"name":"MOVA Green Home Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Take this quiz to find out how eco-friendly your home is and to have a chance to win a free 4.5\" MOVA Globe.","img":""}
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