12 Statistics

How many people are currently living in Luxembourg?
400 000
500 000
600 000

The correct answer is 600,000, and in fact, for the first of April 2020, STATEC counted 626,108 people living in Luxembourg. Interestingly, so-called censuses are carried out in Luxembourg every 10 years. In contrast to surveys based on a sample of citizens, the census collects information from all people living in Luxembourg. In addition to the number of inhabitants, it also covers other characteristics in terms of age, occupation, living conditions, but also mobility etc.

The correct answer is 600,000, and in fact, for the first of April 2020, STATEC counted 626,108 people living in Luxembourg. Interestingly, so-called censuses are carried out in Luxembourg every 10 years. In contrast to surveys based on a sample of citizens, the census collects information from all people living in Luxembourg. In addition to the number of inhabitants, it also covers other characteristics in terms of age, occupation, living conditions, but also mobility etc.

According to STATEC forecasts, how many people are expected to live in Luxembourg in 2060?

1 100 000
1 300 000
900 000
The correct answer is 1,100,000, and in most countries, most of the population growth is driven by birth and death rates. However, in Luxembourg, where history and social structure have been determined by strong migratory flows for over a century, such predictions are more complicated.



The correct answer is 1,100,000, and in most countries, most of the population growth is driven by birth and death rates. However, in Luxembourg, where history and social structure have been determined by strong migratory flows for over a century, such predictions are more complicated.



What is the proportion of people currently living in Luxembourg who do not own Luxembourg citizenship?

44 %
47 %
54 %

The correct answer is 47%, which is increasing with time. At the beginning of the 20th century it was about 12%, and at the beginning of this century it was 37%.

In addition, there are around 200,000 cross-border workers a day, people who work in Luxembourg but do not live in Luxembourg. Half of these border residents live in France, while the other half are equally divided between Germany and Belgium.






The correct answer is 47%, which is increasing with time. At the beginning of the 20th century it was about 12%, and at the beginning of this century it was 37%.

In addition, there are around 200,000 cross-border workers a day, people who work in Luxembourg but do not live in Luxembourg. Half of these border residents live in France, while the other half are equally divided between Germany and Belgium.






Which is the largest foreign community in Luxembourg?

The Italian community
The Portuguese community
The French community

The correct answer is the Portuguese community, which replaced the Italian community in the 1970s as the largest foreign community in Luxembourg.

Today (2020), the Portuguese represent about 15.2% of the total population of Luxembourg, followed by the French with 7.6% and the Italians with 3.6%.



The correct answer is the Portuguese community, which replaced the Italian community in the 1970s as the largest foreign community in Luxembourg.

Today (2020), the Portuguese represent about 15.2% of the total population of Luxembourg, followed by the French with 7.6% and the Italians with 3.6%.



How many nationalities are represented in Luxembourg?


The correct answer is 177, compared to 197 states recognised by the United Nations.



The correct answer is 177, compared to 197 states recognised by the United Nations.



How many children does a woman living in Luxembourg receive on average?


The correct answer is 1.4, and this low level has tended to decrease in recent years. The figure is below the European average (1,6). It is highest in France with 1.9 children, lowest in Spain and Italy with 1.3.

These values are below the quota required for the reproduction of generations. A generation ensures that it is replaced when the number of girls born equals the number of women in the generation of parents. Because of the gender ratio at birth and the low infant mortality rate, this rate is achieved when women in developed countries have an average of about 2.1 children.





The correct answer is 1.4, and this low level has tended to decrease in recent years. The figure is below the European average (1,6). It is highest in France with 1.9 children, lowest in Spain and Italy with 1.3.

These values are below the quota required for the reproduction of generations. A generation ensures that it is replaced when the number of girls born equals the number of women in the generation of parents. Because of the gender ratio at birth and the low infant mortality rate, this rate is achieved when women in developed countries have an average of about 2.1 children.





Who in Luxembourg has the higher life expectancy at birth?

The life expectancy of men and women is the same
The correct answer is women. Their life expectancy at birth is approximately 84.5 years, while the life expectancy of men at birth is 80 years. Some of the difference can be explained biologically: as some studies show, the female sex hormone estrogen is supposed to protect against cardiovascular diseases, for example. However, biological factors are responsible for only part of the phenomenon and social factors play a similar role. Men tend to a more risky lifestyle on average. Men tend to smoke and drink a little more and practice unhealthy occupations compared to women.





The correct answer is women. Their life expectancy at birth is approximately 84.5 years, while the life expectancy of men at birth is 80 years. Some of the difference can be explained biologically: as some studies show, the female sex hormone estrogen is supposed to protect against cardiovascular diseases, for example. However, biological factors are responsible for only part of the phenomenon and social factors play a similar role. Men tend to a more risky lifestyle on average. Men tend to smoke and drink a little more and practice unhealthy occupations compared to women.





In Luxembourg...

more girls than boys are born
more boys than girls are born
as many boys as girls are born
In Luxembourg, more boys are born; on average, 105 boys are born per 100 girls. However, because boys are generally more likely to die than girls, this ratio changes with age. After the age of 67, there are more women than men. Interestingly enough, 9 out of 10 hundred-year-old women are women.


In Luxembourg, more boys are born; on average, 105 boys are born per 100 girls. However, because boys are generally more likely to die than girls, this ratio changes with age. After the age of 67, there are more women than men. Interestingly enough, 9 out of 10 hundred-year-old women are women.


This quiz was written by the Luxembourg Science Center in Differdange and the Statec. Visit the Center to learn more about statistics and other scientific topics!


This quiz was written by the Luxembourg Science Center in Differdange and the Statec. Visit the Center to learn more about statistics and other scientific topics!


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Images copyrights:
1 Luxembourg Science Center
2 Luxembourg Science Center
3 Luxembourg Science Center
4 Luxembourg Science Center
5 Luxembourg Science Center
6 Luxembourg Science Center
7 Luxembourg Science Center
8 Luxembourg Science Center
9 Luxembourg Science Center
{"name":"12 Statistics", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QR8J8FS","txt":"How many people are currently living in Luxembourg?, The correct answer is 600,000, and in fact, for the first of April 2020, STATEC counted 626,108 people living in Luxembourg. Interestingly, so-called censuses are carried out in Luxembourg every 10 years. In contrast to surveys based on a sample of citizens, the census collects information from all people living in Luxembourg. In addition to the number of inhabitants, it also covers other characteristics in terms of age, occupation, living conditions, but also mobility etc., According to STATEC forecasts, how many people are expected to live in Luxembourg in 2060?","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/52-1942809/01.png?sz=1200"}
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