Happiness Survey

Choose the response that best describes you
I feel like a failure
I do not feel like a winner
I feel like I have succeeed more than most people
As I look back on my life, all I see are victories
I feel I am extraordinarily successful
Choose the response that best describes you
I am usually in a bad mood
I am usually in a neutral mood
I am usually in a good mood
I am usually in a great mood
I am usually in an unbelievably great mood
Choose the response that best describes you
I feel cut off from other people
I feel neither close to or cut off from other people
I feel close to friends and family members
I feel close to most people, even if I do not know them well
I feel close to everyone in the world
Choose the response that best describes you
I am ashamed of myself
I am not ashamed of myself
I am proud of myself
I am very proud of myself
I am extraordinarily proud of myself
Choose the response that best describes you
Time passes slowly during most of the things that I do
Time passes quickly during some of the things that I do and slowly for other things
Time passes quickly during some of the things I do
Time passes quickly during all of the things I do
Time passes so quickly during all of the things that I do that I don’t even notice it
Choose the response that best describes you
I have little or no enthusiasm
My enthusiasm level is neither high or low
I have a good amount of enthusiasm
I feel enthusiastic doing almost anything
I have so much enthusiasm that I feel I can do almost anything
Choose the response that best describes you
I am unhappy with myself
I am neither happy or unhappy with myself — I am neutral
I am happy with myself
I am very happy with myself
I could not be happier with myself
Choose the response that best describes you
If I were keeping score in life, I’d be behind
If I were keeping score in life, I’d be about even
If I were keeping score in life, I’d be somewhat ahead
If I were keeping score in life, I’d be ahead
If I were keeping score in life, I’d be far ahead
Choose the response that best describes you
I experience more pain than pleasure
I experience pain and pleasure in equal measure
I experience more pleasure than pain
I experience much more pleasure than pain
My life is filled with pleasure
Choose the response that best describes you
I do not enjoy my daily routine
I feel neutral about my daily routine
I like my daily routine but am happy to get away from it
I like my daily routine so much that I rarely take breaks from it
I like my daily routine so much that I almost never take breaks
{"name":"Happiness Survey", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QQZS5TH","txt":"Happiness is quantifiable. THis questionnaire was designed by Christopher Peterson from the University of Michigan. Christopher is the author of A Primer in Positive Psychology. This questionnaire is a slimmed down version of the Authentic Happiness Inventory Questinnaire.","img":"https://www.poll-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png?sz=1200-00000000001000005300","hash":"#happinessquiz"}
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