How Well do you know The Crucible?

Who wrote The Crucible?
Joshua Miller
Anne Putnam
Elizabeth Proctor
Winona Ryder
Arthur Miller
Who is fallen into a deep sleep in the beginning of the play?
Mary Warren
John Proctor
Who is the first one accused?
Mary Waren
Elizabeth Proctor
Giles Coury
Rebecca Nurse
Who is accused of "killing his neighbors for their land?"
John Proctor
Thomas Putnam
Reverend Parris
Who is the Proctor's house slave?
Mary Warren
Ruth Putnam
Why does Abigail accuse Elizabeth Proctor of witchcraft?
Because she's ugly
Because Elizabeth was going to accuse her
Because Elizabeth had her land
Because Elizabeth's family had killed Abigail's ancestors
Because she wanted to be with John
Who refuses to neither confirm nor deny charges of witchcraft?
Giles Coury
Rebecca Nurse
Francis Nurse
Who accuses their midwives to get revenge for their babies dying?
Rebecca Nurse
Elizabeth Proctor
Ann Putnam
Who is called in to help the townspeople?
Reverent Hale
Reverend Parris
Thomas Putnam
Who dies at the end of the play?
John Proctor
Elizabeth Proctor
Rebecca Nurse
Francis Nurse
Giles Coury
{"name":"How Well do you know The Crucible?", "url":"","txt":"Who wrote The Crucible?, Who is fallen into a deep sleep in the beginning of the play?, Who is the first one accused?","img":""}
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