Holiday Greenings! How green is your holiday? From Thanksgiving to New Year's Day, household waste increases by more than 25%. Added food waste, shopping bags, packaging, wrapping paper, bows and ribbons all add up to an additional 1 million tons of trash a week. You can help be part of the solution!

What kind of holiday tree to do you use?
I purchase a tree and compost it afterwards.
I don't put up a tree.
I use a living, potted tree.
I use an artificial tree.
Answer: the most eco-friendly choice is using a living, potted tree or not using a tree at all. The next best choice is cutting a local tree and composting in the yard debris cart or taking it to a group that collects them it. Just be sure it's free of tinsel, ornaments and lights.
Answer: the most eco-friendly choice is using a living, potted tree or not using a tree at all. The next best choice is cutting a local tree and composting in the yard debris cart or taking it to a group that collects them it. Just be sure it's free of tinsel, ornaments and lights.
How do you decorate for the holidays?
I like shopping for new holiday decorations each year. The more the merrier.
I like the tradition of reusing holiday decorations or making my own.
I don't decorate at all.
Answer: While not decorating at all does reduce waste, it doesn't add much cheer. Reusing holiday decor is a great choice. If you still feel the need to purchase more, shop thrift stores or try making something from materials you already have.
Answer: While not decorating at all does reduce waste, it doesn't add much cheer. Reusing holiday decor is a great choice. If you still feel the need to purchase more, shop thrift stores or try making something from materials you already have.
When it comes to holiday cards, I prefer:
Foil cards that sparkle.
Cards printed on recycled paper.
A phone call instead.
Answer: An estimated 2.6 billion holiday cards are sold each year in the United States, enough to fill a football field 10 stories high. E-greetings or a phone call is a great way to connect with loved ones during the holidays. Choosing cards printed on recycled paper or created from old cards is a good runner up, but try to avoid foil lined envelopes and cards since they cannot be recycled.
Answer: An estimated 2.6 billion holiday cards are sold each year in the United States, enough to fill a football field 10 stories high. E-greetings or a phone call is a great way to connect with loved ones during the holidays. Choosing cards printed on recycled paper or created from old cards is a good runner up, but try to avoid foil lined envelopes and cards since they cannot be recycled.
How do you light up your holidays?
I only use solar or LED lights.
Lights aren't my thing. I'd rather spend time and energy with friends.
Have you seen my house? Day and night, it looks like it belongs on the Las Vegas strip.
I only use solar or LED lights on timers (or at certain times of the day).
Answer: If you are going to use lights, LED or solar lights are cost effective and provide energy savings. LED lights use 50% less energy than their incandescent predecessors, and they last up to 10 times longer as well. Solar lights don't cost anything to operate and no extension cords are needed. Timers are also a good choice so energy is not wasted when you are sleeping or at work. LED, solar, and incandescent lights can be recycled at the transfer station.
Answer: If you are going to use lights, LED or solar lights are cost effective and provide energy savings. LED lights use 50% less energy than their incandescent predecessors, and they last up to 10 times longer as well. Solar lights don't cost anything to operate and no extension cords are needed. Timers are also a good choice so energy is not wasted when you are sleeping or at work. LED, solar, and incandescent lights can be recycled at the transfer station.
What kinds of gifts do you like to give or receive?
I like tickets to concerts or events, classes, or memberships.
I like small novelty items that people will eventually trash.
I like homemade or upcycled gifts.
I like gift cards or gifts I know people will use.
Answer: According to a national survey, 70% of Americans would welcome less emphasis on gift giving and spending. The greenest gifts include gifts of experiences like tickets or memberships. Gift cards are also a good choice. A close runner up are handmade or upcycled gifts. When looking for gifts, choose gifts that the recipient will keep for a while and won’t easily break.
Answer: According to a national survey, 70% of Americans would welcome less emphasis on gift giving and spending. The greenest gifts include gifts of experiences like tickets or memberships. Gift cards are also a good choice. A close runner up are handmade or upcycled gifts. When looking for gifts, choose gifts that the recipient will keep for a while and won’t easily break.
When you get new electronics you:
Donate your old electronics or recycle them at your local transfer station
Throw out old electronics in the garbage.
Let the old electronics sit in your drawers.
Answer: It’s easy to recycle electronics in Marion County. Simply bring anything with a battery or plug to your closest transfer station to recycle them for free. Another great option is to donate or sell used electronics.
Answer: It’s easy to recycle electronics in Marion County. Simply bring anything with a battery or plug to your closest transfer station to recycle them for free. Another great option is to donate or sell used electronics.
How do you like to party?
Red solo cup all the way!
Paper plates and napkins that I can toss in the garbage for easy cleanup.
Reusable dishes and cloth napkins.
I keep it simple and drink from the original container.
Answer: The greenest option is using reusable dishware since it uses far less energy and resources over its lifetime than its disposable counterpart. Choosing reuse is healthier, cheaper, and easier than you think.
Answer: The greenest option is using reusable dishware since it uses far less energy and resources over its lifetime than its disposable counterpart. Choosing reuse is healthier, cheaper, and easier than you think.
Holiday meals means....
Leftovers! I love them and send them home with guests too.
Ordering in. I don't care about the non-recyclable containers.
Lots of food and lots to toss out.
Lots of food and I'll compost the leftovers.
Answer: At least 28 billion pounds of edible food are wasted each year - equating to over 100 pounds per person. Using or sharing leftovers is a great way to reduce holiday food waste. Another great option is using a servings calculator to reduce the waste and cost of excess food.
Answer: At least 28 billion pounds of edible food are wasted each year - equating to over 100 pounds per person. Using or sharing leftovers is a great way to reduce holiday food waste. Another great option is using a servings calculator to reduce the waste and cost of excess food.
I like to pretty up a package by using:
Glittery foil wrap. Bring on the bling!
Reusable bags and ribbon.
I like to use recyclable holiday-themed paper.
I like to use reuse paper or fabric.
Answer: Half of the paper America consumes is used to wrap and decorate consumer products. You can help reduce that waste by reusing ribbons and gift bags or wrapping gifts in newsprint or fabric. Also stay away from foil giftwrap and ribbons since they cannot be recycled.
Answer: Half of the paper America consumes is used to wrap and decorate consumer products. You can help reduce that waste by reusing ribbons and gift bags or wrapping gifts in newsprint or fabric. Also stay away from foil giftwrap and ribbons since they cannot be recycled.
When shipping for the holidays, I prefer:
Block styrofoam #6
Styrofoam peanuts
Bubble wrap
Plastic Air Cushion Bags
Torn gift wrap, butcher paper, unbuttered popcorn or biodegradable starch peanuts, or crumbled newspaper
Answer: The greenest option is packing your gifts with used gift wrap, butcher paper, unbuttered popcorn, or crumbled newspaper. If you do encounter block styrofoam #6, you can recycle it at the Fresh Start Market. Plastic air cushion bags can be recycled with plastic bags/film at your local grocery store or transfer station. Bubble wrap or styrofoam peanuts can be reused and shipping stores reuse them as well.
Answer: The greenest option is packing your gifts with used gift wrap, butcher paper, unbuttered popcorn, or crumbled newspaper. If you do encounter block styrofoam #6, you can recycle it at the Fresh Start Market. Plastic air cushion bags can be recycled with plastic bags/film at your local grocery store or transfer station. Bubble wrap or styrofoam peanuts can be reused and shipping stores reuse them as well.
{"name":"Holiday Greenings! How green is your holiday? From Thanksgiving to New Year's Day, household waste increases by more than 25%. Added food waste, shopping bags, packaging, wrapping paper, bows and ribbons all add up to an additional 1 million tons a week t", "url":"","txt":"What kind of holiday tree to do you use?, How do you decorate for the holidays?, How do you light up your holidays?","img":""}
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