Should you apply for funding through Creative Europe's Cultural support programme?

Which statement best describes your organisation
We are a medium-to-large company or institution (at least 10 full-time employees) that has worked within the cultural or creative sector for at least 2 years.
We are a small company or institution (less than 10 full-time employees) that has worked within the cultural or creative sector for at least 2 years.
We are a company / institution (small, medium or large) that has never worked within the cultural or creative sector. We have existed for at least 2 years.
We are a newly-started company / institution whose employees have a long-track record in the cultural or creative sector.
We are a newly-started company / institution with no track record within the cultural or creative sector.
Which of the following statements best describes your organisation?
We have a well-established international network and we have worked closely together with our partners abroad on several projects, possibly also EU projects.
We have a well-established international network, but we have never worked together with our network before.
We have an international network, but we are looking to increase our activity internationally.
We are just beginning to create our international network and we are looking for inspiration.
We have no international network at this time, and we have no plans to create one.
Which of the following statements best describes your interest in Creative Europe's cultural support programme?
We see the potential of the programme as a way to develop and innovate our organisation, employees and our international network.
We have been asked by another organisation in our network to participate in a project and see it as way to develop our organisation.
We have been asked by another organisation in our network to participate in a project and we need the money.
We have been asked by an organisation which we do not know and have never worked with to participate in a project and we need the money.
We see the Creative Europe programme as a source of funding.
We have just been introduced to the programme at an event or meeting.
Which of the following statements best describes the current status of the planning of your project and your partners? If you do not have a project at this time, you may skip this question.
Our network has met several times to discuss the project, we have agreed on goals and main activities for the project, and we are now planning our application for Creative Europe.
Our network will meet for the first time to discuss the project this spring.
We have no plans to meet with our network, but we are in contact and are developing the project through correspondance.
We have a few possible partners, and we are working hard to get the rest in place for the deadline.
We have no partners. What should I do?
How would you describe the motivation behind your project? If you have no project at this time, you may skip this question
Our project comes from a need within our network to create collaborative solutions to common challenges within our sector, such as audience development or competency building.
Our project is driven primarily forward by one organisation in our network, and they are setting the agenda. But it is good project and meets common goals across the network.
We have no formal project description, but the overall ideas are sound and we trust the partners.
I have yet to figure out what the project is really about, but I am interested in learning more.
We were asked to participate by a complete stranger, but they seem dedicated.
How would you describe the goals and objectives of your project? If you have no project at this time, you may skip this question
The project goals and objectives are closely in line with one or more of the priorities of the Creative Europe programme.
The project goals and objectives were created and matched to be in line with one or more of the priorities of the Creative Europe programme.
The project goals and objectives are being developed in collaboration with the partners.
The project goals and objectives are not in line with the priorities of the Creative Europe programme, but we are creating activities alongside the main project that match EU's priorities.
I was unaware that the Creative Europe programme had priorities.
{"name":"Should you apply for funding through Creative Europe's Cultural support programme?", "url":"","txt":"Which of the following statements best describes your organisation?, Which of the following statements best describes your interest in Creative Europe's cultural support programme?, Which of the following statements best describes the current status of your project and your partners? If you do not have a project at this time, you may skip this question.","img":"","accounts":"@creativeeuropedk ","hash":"#creativeeuropedk"}
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