A niche of upcoming researches have studied the impact of the physical environment on one's mental health and wellbeing. Following are a few questions to help you understand the psychological ramifications of the environment and how it influences beyond physical health.
  • All the responses and information provided by you will be kept confidential.
  • Please choose one option that resonates most with you. There are no right or wrong answers.
A niche of upcoming researches have studied the impact of the physical environment on one's mental health and wellbeing. Following are a few questions to help you understand the psychological ramifications of the environment and how it influences beyond physical health.
  • All the responses and information provided by you will be kept confidential.
  • Please choose one option that resonates most with you. There are no right or wrong answers.
I feel angry/stressed/anxious on a hot summer day stuck in a traffic jam, because of…
All the honking
Getting late
All of the above
Have you ever thought about the quality of “Food & Produce” consumed by you?
Yes, always. I only prefer food that has no pesticides and preservatives added to it.
Sometimes. I would choose the “organic” option if provided.
Rarely. I only worry about food being healthy or unhealthy for me.
Never. I don't care about any fertilizers and pesticides used.
The news about my city/town's dangerously high Air Quality Index (AQI)...
Makes me worried all the time because of it's effects.
I sometimes only think about it when it comes up in the news.
I consciously try to avoid these types of news.
No, it does not bother me.
Do you ever feel guilt/remorse/regret when you think about the status of the planet?
Yes, always. I feel helpless as nothing I do is enough.
Sometimes. When I find myself indulging in “bad for environment action”, for example, having a packet of chips which is single-use plastic.
Rarely. Only when I see it on the news.
Never. I don’t think about such issues.
In your opinion, what are the consequences of “Urbanization”?
It creates excessive crowding.
It reduces personal space especially in places like public transport, restaurants, etc.
It is a sign of development for the country.
All of the above.
Do sudden changes in weather such as excessive rain, heat waves, etc, or extreme climates such as very cold winters, disruptions due to floods/earthquakes, etc, make you feel upset/worried/stressed?
Yes, always.
The news about the health of big rivers such as Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, etc makes me concerned/fearful/anxious.
Strongly agree.
Somewhat agree.
Strongly Disagree.
Does a clogged pothole/gutter on the road or unmanaged garbage/litter affect your mood?
Yes, always.
Does loud music at night due to a celebration in your neighborhood disturb your sleep pattern?
Yes, always.
Does the news of increasing global warming, ozone depletion, glaciers melting, etc, make you feel distressed/nervous/panicky?
Yes, always.
{"name":"ENVIRONMENT AND ITS IMPACT ON MENTAL HEALTH", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QJQTEAG7U","txt":"A niche of upcoming researches have studied the impact of the physical environment on one's mental health and wellbeing. Following are a few questions to help you understand the psychological ramifications of the environment and how it influences beyond physical health.   NOTE: All the responses and information provided by you will be kept confidential. Please choose one option that resonates most with you. There are no right or wrong answers., I feel angry\/stressed\/anxious on a hot summer day stuck in a traffic jam, because of…","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/66-2877151/image-1-.jpg?sz=1200"}
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