How Well Do You Know Frida?

Frida’s home is known as the:
Red House
Blue House
Orange House
Yellow House
Frida grew up in which borough of Mexico City?
Frida’s father, Guillermo, was a German:
As a teenager, Frida belonged to a rambunctious clique known for their pranks. The group was nicknamed for which article of clothing that they often wore?
Their hats
Their white shirts
Their overalls
Their shoes
From early on in her life, Frida misrepresented her age. How?
She claimed to be three years younger
She claimed to be three years older
How old was Frida when she saw Diego Rivera for the very first time?
10 years old
15 years old
18 years old
20 years old
Frida’s famous streetcar accident occurred when she was what age?
11 years old
14 years old
18 years old
20 years old
What swear did Frida use to refer to the surrealists after Andre Breton made a mess of her promised exhibit in Paris?
This goddamn lying collection of worthless surrealists
These talentless bunch of asshole surrealists
This bunch of coocoo lunatic sons of bitches of surrealists
In several of her paintings, Frida appears wearing earrings that are shaped like hands. Who gave her those earrings in real life?
Diego Rivera
Salvador Dali
Andre Breton
Pablo Picasso
Which lover had to flee from Frida’s bedroom and climb an orange tree to reach the roof of her house when a pistol-wielding Diego discovered the two of them in the midst of their affair?
Isamu Noguchi
Nickolas Muray
Leon Trotsky
Andre Breton
Which of Frida’s paintings is still missing to this day?
The Two Fridas
The Wounded Table
A Few Small Nips
What the Water Gave Me
What rarely used Spanish word was one of Frida’s favorite expressions in her letters to her friends, lovers, and acquaintances?
{"name":"How Well Do You Know Frida?", "url":"","emurl":1,"txt":"For Valentine's Day, I wrote and published a fun \"How Well Do You Know Frida?\" quiz that will challenge newbies and experts alike! It will only be up for 14 days (through Feb 15), unless it becomes very popular, so take it and share it now! You won't be automatically signed up for anything. This is for fun, and it gives you the option to sign up for my newsletter. I put a lot of effort into making this an interesting quiz, so make sure to read the answers at the end to learn some new, fun facts!","img":"","hash":"#FridaQuiz #FridaKahloQuiz #FridaKahlo #HowWellDoYouKnowFrida #Snapdragon #NinaShope #SnapdragonOriginals"}
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