Test your new knowledge on your Identity Theft Aid feature!

BaZing has a very robust suite of identity theft features to provide your customers with security and peace of mind. Which of the following features do they receive?
Personal identity theft
Payment card fraud resolution
Identity restoration
All of the above
On the BaZing mobile app, what section houses the ID Theft Aid information?
Which of the following statements about Payment Card Protection is false?
If your payment cards are lost or stolen, you have access to a fraud specialist
The fraud specialist will assist you in pulling your online credit report
You have to register your cards with BaZing prior to the incident to use this benefit
The fraud specialist will initiate a 3 way call with you and each affected card company to get the accounts closed and new cards issued
Fraud Specialists will help prepare and follow up on paperwork.
What is your first and last name?
What is your work email address?
What is the name of your financial institution?
{"name":"Test your new knowledge on your Identity Theft Aid feature!", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QFN4IT4","txt":"BaZing has a very robust suite of identity theft benefits to provide your customers with security and peace of mind. Which of the following benefits do they receive? Check all that apply., On BaZing Mobile, what section houses the ID Theft Protection information?, Which of the following statements about Payment Card Protection are true?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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