There are yes people and no people – and those in between. It’s surprisingly hard to know ourselves – what we think we are isn't necessarily the same as how we present to the world, or how other people see us. Understanding how we usually respond to requests and events can reveal hidden truths. So which one are you? Are you a yes person or a no person? Take this short and highly unscientific quiz to know yourself better, and find out the good, the bad and the hidden bits of your character.

What’s your approach to fashion?
I follow current fashion whether it suits me or not
Don’t have one. Better things to spend my money on
I have my own style, but have a budget and stick to it
If you’re presented with a couple of options for New Year’s Eve, what would you do?
Stress out trying to go to all as I couldn’t work out who to say no to
I hate New Year’s Eve and avoid it like the plague
I’d pick one option– wherever I am is party central
If your girl friend is asking for an honest opinion on her outfit, haircut, weight, performance – and you think she looks awful, what do you say?
I love it
I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but I’ve seen you look/do better
I hate it
When you come up with an idea, do you tell everyone?
I only ask those people I can trust and respect
No, Just keep it to myself. Bugger what anyone else thinks
Yes, my life is an open book, I need people’s opinions so I know whether it’s a good idea or not
When things aren’t in my control, I feel
Uneasy at first then liberated with a sense of freedom
Anxious – that’s me most of the time
Uncomfortable but not for long as I’ll insist everyone does things my way
How do you argue with your partner/family/close friends?
We don’t argue much – I make sure I always win or I sulk for days
We argue a lot but listen to each other’s point of view and take turns in compromising
I try to make my case but then I compromise to keep the peace
How do you discipline your children?
I’m the good cop, and my partner tells me off for being soft
I relish being the bad cop
My partner and I agree on our approach, are mostly consistent, and take turns in being good cop or bad cop
Do you answer your phone on the 1st or 2nd ring as a general rule?
Yes, desperate to talk to someone
I’ll answer it if I’ve got free time to talk, otherwise I’ll return the call later
God no, I let it go to voice mail
If there are chips/biscuits/chocolate/drinks/lollies out, do you…
Resist as I'm highly disciplined and an abstainer. My body is my temple
I'm a moderator. I give myself permission to have it if I love it.
Stuff my face. I eat everything I see. I'd fail the marshmellow test every time.
If you have children, do you have a roster for chores?
No, what do the kids need a roster for? I do everything…
Yes, unless they complete their weekly chores, they don’t get pocket money or allowed out
Yes, we have family meetings, and everything is negotiated. My children are perfect and I'm up for parent of the year
When it comes to make decisions, I am…
Calm and decisive after doing some targeted research
Terrified – I over analyse and am paralysed in decision making
Quick. I make a decision and move on no matter what the consequences
{"name":"There are yes people and no people – and those in between. It’s surprisingly hard to know ourselves – the view we have is not necessarily how we present to the world, or indeed how other people see us. Our usual responses to requests and events can reveal", "url":"","txt":"What’s your approach to fashion?, If you’re presented with a couple of options for New Year’s Eve, what would you do?, f your friend is asking for an honest opinion on their outfit, haircut, weight, performance – and you think she looks awful, what do you say?","img":""}
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