University of Richmond Energy Quiz

How much energy does UR purchase each year?
40,700 kWh
407,000 kWh
40,700,000 kWh
407,000,000 kWh
True or False: You should only keep your blinds closed in the summer to save energy.
True, only summer.
False, winter too.
How many solar panels does UR have?
How much energy was our on-campus solar array designed to produce?
2,370 kWh
23,700 kWh
237,000 kWh
2,370,000 kWh
Where can you dispose of old batteries on campus?
Outside of 8:15
One Card Office
3rd Floor of THC
D-hall swipe station
Energy saved from recycling one aluminum can could operate a computer or TV for ___ hours and recycling a six pack saves enough energy to drive a typical car ___ miles.
2 ; 4
3 ; 5
1 ; 2
100 ; 300
Recycling one glass bottle saves enough energy to light a 100 watt light bulb for ____ hours.
True or False: Classroom and hallway lights turn off automatically at night and on the weekends.
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{"name":"University of Richmond Energy Quiz", "url":"","txt":"How much energy does UR use?, True or False: You should only keep your blinds closed in the summer to trap the cool air., How many solar panels does UR have?","img":""}
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