Supervisor Well Control Practice Quiz Level 4

Part of the way through the 1st circulation of the Driller’s method, the pump was shut down and the well was shut in. What is the over balance in this well? Current dp pressure = 725 psi, Casing pressure = 1050 psi, Initial circulating pressure = 1500 psi, Initial SIDPP = 500 psi, Initial SICP = 1000 psi.
50 psi
150 psi
225 psi
500 psi
What changes do you expect to see at the shakers when drilling in transition zone to abnormally pressured zone?
Increase in density of shale cuttings
Decrease in density of shale cuttings
Increase in pump pressure
Reduction in size of the cuttings
While tripping pipe in the hole the volume of mud displaced is more than the calculated volume. What could cause this
The formation is taking fluid
The well is flowing
The well is plugged off downhole
There is a leak in the flowline
What would be the formation pressure if the mud weight is 17 ppg, SIDPP is 250 psi, SICP is 600 psi and the well is 14,000 feet TVD, 16,250 M.D.?
12,626 psi
12,976 psi
14,365 psi
16, 250 psi
If the pump speed is decreased, what happens to the friction losses in the annulus
Stays the same
The frac gradient of a formation at 5000 feet TVD, 6000 feet M.D. is .832 psi/ft. Mud weight in hole is 10 ppg. Approximately, how much surface pressure can be applied before the formation breaks down?
1560 psi
1872 psi
2250 psi
A well has been drilled to T.D. of 12.500 feet TVD, 14,000 feet M.D. and the current density of the drilling mud is 13.5 ppg What will the bottomhole pressure be if 700 psi pressure is applied from the surface with the BOP’s closed?
9475 psi
9828 psi
10528 psi
A Leak off test has been conducted. From the info gathered, calculate the MAMW. Applied Surface Pressure = 1200 psi, Shoe Depth = 12,500’ TVD, Test Mud Weight = 13 ppg
14.8 ppg
14.9 ppg
15.0 ppg
None of the above
A FIT is to be performed after the shoe is drilled. Calculate the required surface pressure to achieve the desired shoe test. Desired Shoe Test = 17 ppg, Shoe Depth = 10,850 feet TVD/12,500 feet M.D. Current Mud Weight = 12 ppg
2821 psi
3250 psi
4827 psi
9591 psi
A Test on a barrier where the pressure on the formation side of the barrier is less than the pressure on the surface side of the barrier is call
Negative Test
FIT Test
Leak Off Test
Positive Test
How does increasing temperature affect OBM density?
Temperature has no effect
We had a kick 1000 feet off bottom. Before stripping into the well with pipe, what valve is inserted on top of the TIW valve?
Circulating Valve
Grey Valve
Float Valve
None of the above
You are going to circulate a 15 barrel kick out of the well using the Driller’s Method. SIDPP is 500 psi and SICP is 800 psi. If formation pressure is 3000 psi and maximum anticipated surface pressure during the kill operation is 1500 psi, what would be the additional pit gain anticipated at surface? Mud weight in the hole is 10 ppg. (Ignore Temperature and Compressibility of fluid)
30 bbls
15 bbls
86 bbls
40 bbls
A hydraulic delay exists between the time the choke is adjusted to the time the drill pipe pressure reacts. If you had 600 on the casing and 400 on the drill pipe, how long would it take for the reaction to happen on the drill pipe if you wanted to increase the drill pipe pressure to 500 psi on this 10,000 foot well?
10 seconds
20 seconds
40 seconds
60 seconds
Your current mud weight is 13 ppg and you pumped a 40 barrel slug weighing 15.5 ppg. Your Drill pipe capacity is .01776 bbl/ft. How many fee of dry pipe will you have after pumping the slug?
46 feet
433 feet
1888 feet
2585 feet
A well is shut in with the following info. Drill pipe pressure reads 0 psi, Well depth = 9000 TVD, 10,500 M.D. Drill string is full of 12 ppg mud. Annulus is full of 8.9 mud/gas mixture. Calculate the expected casing pressure in this static u-tube
347 psi
1451 psi
1693 psi
2173 psi
Which of the following is a procedural barrier in well control?
Cement Plug
Mud hydrostatic
Rams and Annulars
Driller doing tourly well control drills
A well is shut in with SIDPP = 750 psi and casing pressure = 1000 psi. Pit gain was 25 barrels! After 30 minutes, the pressures start to rise due to gas migration. If the casing pressure is held constant at 750 psi by adjusting the choke regularly, what will happen to the bottom hole pressure?
Stay the same
Calculate Kill Weight mud with the following info: SIDPP = 620 psi, SICP = 1080 psi, Pit Gain = 10 barrels, Current mud weight = 12.2 ppg, Well Depth = 13,566 feet TVD, 16,500 feet MD
12.9 ppg
13.0 ppg
13.1 ppg
13.8 ppg
Fracture gradient is .745 psi/ft. What is the equivalent mud weight?
13.8 ppg
14.0 ppg
14.3 ppg
14.4 ppg
This is a bonus question, What is your name and who do you work for?
{"name":"Supervisor Well Control Practice Quiz Level 4", "url":"","txt":"What company do you work for?, Part of the way through the 1st circulation of the Driller’s method, the pump was shut down and the well was shut in. What is the over balance in this well? Current dp pressure = 725 psi, Casing pressure = 1050 psi, Initial circulating pressure = 1500 psi, Initial SIDPP = 500 psi, Initial SICP = 1000 psi., The well is full of 15 ppg mud. A 600 foot cement plug is set and cemented in the well. What would happen to the differential pressure between the top and bottom of the cement plug if the mud above the plug was replaced with 12 ppg mud","img":""}
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