Bones and Joints Quiz

How many bones are in the human body?
a. More than 500
b. 206 bones
c. 98 bones
d. We don’t know
Answer: b. There are 206 bones in the human body. The hands and the feet combined have more than half of the body’s bones – 106!
Answer: b. There are 206 bones in the human body. The hands and the feet combined have more than half of the body’s bones – 106!
True or False: There are more joints than bones in the human body
Answer: True. When most people think of joints, they think of knees, hips, ankles and shoulders. But there are 360 joints, places where two or more bones meet, in the human body. There are only 206 bones.
Answer: True. When most people think of joints, they think of knees, hips, ankles and shoulders. But there are 360 joints, places where two or more bones meet, in the human body. There are only 206 bones.
True or false? Bones are the hardest substance in the human body.
Answer: False. While bones are, pound by pound, stronger than steel, they are not the hardest substance in the body. Tooth enamel, another part of the skeletal system, is the hardest substance and owes its strength to a concentration of minerals.
Answer: False. While bones are, pound by pound, stronger than steel, they are not the hardest substance in the body. Tooth enamel, another part of the skeletal system, is the hardest substance and owes its strength to a concentration of minerals.
A surgical technique in which a doctor inserts a small, lighted optic tube into the joint through a small incision in the knee is called a ____________.
a. Endoscopy
b. Microdermabrasion
c. Arthroscopy
d. ACL procedure
Answer: c. About 700,000 arthroscopic procedures are performed in the U.S. each year to identify causes of knee pain. During an arthroscopy, images of the inside of the knee joint are projected onto a screen so surgeons can look inside the joint.
Answer: c. About 700,000 arthroscopic procedures are performed in the U.S. each year to identify causes of knee pain. During an arthroscopy, images of the inside of the knee joint are projected onto a screen so surgeons can look inside the joint.
Which one of these statements is not true?
a. Bone protects and supports the body and its organs
b. Bone is living, growing tissue
c. Bone contains Omega 3 Fatty Acids, important for overall health
d. Bone stores minerals
Answer: c. Omega 3s have been shown to be important factors in both heart and brain health, and are found most often in fish and plant-based foods.
Answer: c. Omega 3s have been shown to be important factors in both heart and brain health, and are found most often in fish and plant-based foods.
The primary purpose of the rib cage is to:
a. Protect the spinal cord
b. Protect the heart and lungs
c. Help blood pump through the bones and into the veins
d. Protect the stomach and kidneys
Answer: b. The rib cage protects the heart and lungs from injury. Working with the diaphragm, the rib cage also controls the flow of air in and out of the lungs as they moving up and down, either opening up (breathing in) or closing (breathing out) the chest cavity.
Answer: b. The rib cage protects the heart and lungs from injury. Working with the diaphragm, the rib cage also controls the flow of air in and out of the lungs as they moving up and down, either opening up (breathing in) or closing (breathing out) the chest cavity.
_________ is a joint disease that causes the top layer of cartilage to break down and wear away, causing pain, swelling and loss of motion.
a. Rheumatoid arthritis
b. Osteoporosis
c. Orthochondritis
d. Osteoarthritis
Answer: d. There are over three million cases of osteoarthritis (OA) diagnosed in the U.S. each year. OA is the most common type of arthritis and is sometimes called degenerative joint disease.
Answer: d. There are over three million cases of osteoarthritis (OA) diagnosed in the U.S. each year. OA is the most common type of arthritis and is sometimes called degenerative joint disease.
Pain in the hips can sometimes be relieved by:
a. Losing weight
b. Walking
c. Ice
d. All of the above
Answer: d. Most hip pain is caused by inflammation. Ice and over-the-counter pain medications such as Motrin or Advil can reduce inflammation. A low–impact exercise, such as walking, can help with the range of motion in the joints and keep your muscles strong. For many people, losing just a few pounds of excess weight can make a big difference in pain relief, as less pressure is placed on the joint.
Answer: d. Most hip pain is caused by inflammation. Ice and over-the-counter pain medications such as Motrin or Advil can reduce inflammation. A low–impact exercise, such as walking, can help with the range of motion in the joints and keep your muscles strong. For many people, losing just a few pounds of excess weight can make a big difference in pain relief, as less pressure is placed on the joint.
____________ is a chronic disease where the autoimmune system can attack the tissue that surrounds joints leading to erosion of the bone.
a. Rheumatoid arthritis
b. Osteoporosis
c. Lyme Disease
d. Osteoarthritis
Answer: a. About one and a half million Americans have Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). It can cause pain, swelling, stiffness, malformation, and reduced movement and function. People with RA also may have systemic symptoms, such as fatigue, fever, weight loss, eye inflammation, anemia, bumps under the skin, or pleurisy (a lung inflammation).
Answer: a. About one and a half million Americans have Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). It can cause pain, swelling, stiffness, malformation, and reduced movement and function. People with RA also may have systemic symptoms, such as fatigue, fever, weight loss, eye inflammation, anemia, bumps under the skin, or pleurisy (a lung inflammation).
Your funny bone:
a. Isn’t a bone at all. It’s a nerve.
b. Is a bone attached to the elbow
c. Is located only on the right, mid-arm
d. Is a tiny bone in the arm that dissolves as a person ages
Answer: a. If you’ve ever smacked your elbow, you know that tingling pain that is associated with hitting your “funny bone.” The cause of that pain is impact to a nerve that runs down the upper arm to the inside part of the elbow. We guess “funny nerve” wasn’t as catchy!
Answer: a. If you’ve ever smacked your elbow, you know that tingling pain that is associated with hitting your “funny bone.” The cause of that pain is impact to a nerve that runs down the upper arm to the inside part of the elbow. We guess “funny nerve” wasn’t as catchy!
{"name":"Bones and Joints Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Headaches are:, Answer: D. Headaches are among the most common disorders of the nervous system and can have a big impact on quality of life. The annual direct and indirect cost of headache in the US exceeds $31 billion. Only a minority of people with headaches are properly diagnosed and treated., The most common type of headache – tension headache – is associated with:","img":""}
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