Answer a few questions to know your score!

What is the minimum time you should wash your hands for?
5 Seconds
10 Seconds
20 Seconds
30 Seconds
What infections can you get from poor hand washing?
Cold and Flu
Sickness and Diarrhoea
All of the above
What is the main purpose of hand hygiene and hand washing?
To reduce germs on hands
To keep skin healthy
To prevent the spread of Infection
All of the above
It is important to clean between the fingers and high up on the arms
When should you wash your hands?
After the bathroom
After playing outside
Before you eat
All of the above
FFP2 S/N95 masks provide _____ hours of Covid-19 infection protection from an infected person, provided both wear it correctly
25 hours
2 minutes
27 seconds
27 minutes
Masks are more effective in protecting you and others around when they
Provide a proper facial fit
Have electrostatically charged filters
Do not have a valve
All of the above
The most effective mask in terms of protection provided are
Cloth masks
Surgical masks
N95 or FFP2 S masks
FFP2 S mask filters out how much particles >=0.3 micron
When should you replace your mask
Mask is discoloured or dirty
Mask is damaged or torn
Mask is difficult to breathe through or is smelling foul
All of the above
{"name":"Answer a few questions to know your score!", "url":"","txt":"What is the minimum time you should wash your hands for?, What infections can you get from poor hand washing?, What is the main purpose of hand hygiene and hand washing?","img":""}
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