Family Accommodation Scale - ANXIETY [CHILD VERSION]

Parents do many different things to help their children not feel anxious (worried, nervous or scared). Please mark the number that best describes how much your parent did the things listed in the past month.
Very Rarely
Very Often
How often did your parent reassure you (like tell you that you don’t need to worry, tell you something is ok)?
How often did your parent give you things to make you feel better because you were anxious?
How often did your parent participate in (do with you) the things you do because you feel anxious?
How often did your parent help you avoid things that make you feel anxious (like tell your teacher not to call on you in class, let you stay home from school etc.)
How often did your parent avoid doing things, going places or being with people because of your anxiety?
How often did your parent change the family routine because of your anxiety (like changing bed time, chores or other routines?)
How often did your parent do things for you that you were supposed to do yourself because of your anxiety?
How often did your parent change his/her fun plans because of your anxiety (like canceling an activity because you didn’t want him/her to leave)?
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Strongly Agree
My parent gets upset when he/she helps me in these ways?
I get upset if my parent does NOT help me in these ways?
I get angry if my parent does NOT help me in these ways?
My anxiety gets worse when my parent does not help me in these ways?
When my parent helps me in these ways, I feel less anxious?
If my parent continues to help me in these ways, I will feel less anxious in the future?
I believe my parents should help me less in these ways when I’m anxious?
{"name":"Family Accommodation Scale - ANXIETY [CHILD VERSION]", "url":"","txt":"Parents do many different things to help their children not feel anxious (worried, nervous or scared). Please mark the number that best describes how much your parent did the things listed in the past month., How often did your parent reassure you (like tell you that you don’t need to worry, tell you something is ok)?","img":""}
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