Where are you on your innovation journey?

On a scale of 1-5, where would you place yourself in relation to the statement below on exploring and developing new ideas to improve your work? "I'm really happy with all of the ideas we have explored and feel confident with the one we're developing."
1. We need some help to begin exploring
2. We have explored some ideas but need more structure
3. We've developed some ideas but are a bit stuck
4. We can see our idea coming to life
5. We're on the home straight, and just need to finalise some details
On a scale of 1-5, where would you place yourself in relation to the statement below on understanding the problem you are trying to solve and how to do so? "We’re really clear on the root of the problem we’re addressing and have a good sense of direction on how to achieve our goal."
1. We're not sure what the root of the problem is
2. We have some ideas but need to explore further
3. We understand the problem but have come unstuck on how to achieve our goal
4. We can see our idea coming to life and have a sense of how to achieve our goal
5. We're on our way to achieving our goal and just need to finalise some details
On a scale of 1-5, where would you place yourself in relation to the statement below on understanding your target audience? "We have generated useful insights from our target audience and have a good understanding of their needs and behaviours."
1. We haven't done this yet
2. We have some insights but need to gather more
3. We have insights but need to understand behaviours more deeply
4. We have insights and our understanding is pretty good
5. We understand their needs and are starting to work towards addressing them
On a scale of 1-5, where would you place yourself in relation to the statement below on articulating the value of your idea? "We have a clear picture of the internal and external factors that influence our idea and can easily articulate its value proposition."
1. We need help understanding internal and external factors
2. We have thought a little about this but need more depth
3. We're getting there but sometimes get stuck
4. We can see our idea coming to life
5. We're clear on our value and just need to finalise some details
On a scale of 1-5, where would you place yourself in relation to the statement below on building partnerships to support your work? "We have all the partnerships that we need in place to help bring our idea to life."
1. We are still looking for key partnerships
2. We have a few potential partnerships but nothing concrete
3. We are getting there but still need to confirm with partners
4. We feel confident that we have most of the partnerships we need
5. Our partnerships are all in place and we just need to finalise some details
{"name":"Where are you on your innovation journey?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/Q3YY4X2","txt":"On a scale of 1-5, where would you place yourself in relation to the statement below on exploring and developing new ideas to improve your work? \"I'm really happy with all of the ideas we have explored and feel confident with the one we're developing.\", On a scale of 1-5, where would you place yourself in relation to the statement below on understanding the problem you are trying to solve and how to do so? \"We’re really clear on the root of the problem we’re addressing and have a good sense of direction on how to achieve our goal.\", On a scale of 1-5, where would you place yourself in relation to the statement below on understanding your target audience? \"We have generated useful insights from our target audience and have a good understanding of their needs and behaviours.\"","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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