Lone Wolf or Part of the Pack

I like to bounce ideas around with my peers
Yes - I'm most creative when bouncing ideas around with my peers
No - I'm most creative thinking things on my own
I like to work at my own pace
Yes - I find it easier to concentrate when working alone and can feel slowed down by teamwork.
No - I enjoy the support and camaraderie of teamwork.
I don't like not having someone to cover for me if I'm not available
Yes - I'm not comfortable in a role if I know there is nobody able to cover my role
No - I'm OK with not having someone to cover for me
At my stage in my career I need guidance from others
Yes - I prefer having someone in close proximity to answer my questions and help me learn.
No - I’m confident that my experience means I can support myself and I’m happy seeking help online.
I get a greater sense of ownership if I do it on my own
Yes - Doing tasks on my own is the best way of gaining a sense of ownership
No - I don't need to do everything on my own to feel a sense of ownership
I can still get a sense of ownership if my work is a part of a larger project with other people involved
Yes - Working with my colleagues I appreciate a sense of shared ownership
No - If it's not mine alone then I don't feel like it's mine at all.
I hate meetings
Yes - I love not having to sit through meetings. I would rather get work done
No - As long as the meeting is productive I don't mind at all
I learn best if I do a task on my own
Yes - I find that doing a task on my own is the best way for me to learn new skills and technologies
No - I find it hard to work on something that I don't know already without help from someone. This isn't how the best way for me to learn
I want to work on bigger or more complex systems
Yes - bigger and more complex systems sound very appealing. I could learn a lot and maybe get to specialise. There’s also more chance of promotion.
No - I prefer to work for smaller companies where I have more say and ownership of Salesforce, even if it’s a simpler system with fewer clouds.
I learn best when working with someone else
Yes - I learn best when collaborating with others. I can benefit from their experience or we can learn together
No - I want to do things on my own to fully understand them
I want to work for smaller companies or projects
Yes - I prefer to work for smaller companies where I have more say and ownership of Salesforce, even if it’s a simpler system with fewer clouds.
No - I prefer to work on bigger projects with more people, a wider range of clouds and more complex systems
I like doing everything in my job from the start to finish
Yes - I am more satisfied with my job if I see it all the way through
No - I'm happy doing my part and handing things onto my colleagues
I want to specialise
No thanks - I like working on a broad range of products and features.
Yes please! I’d like to specialise in something like CPQ or Marketing Cloud.
I want to work somewhere where I can progress my career
Working in a company where there are roles that I can move into is important to me
When I'm ready to move up I can move to a new company
I'm happy in my role I don't need to progress my career
It's easier for me to take credit for work if noone else was involved in it
When I work on my own it's clearer what my involvement is and it's easier to take credit
I can still take credit for my work if other people are involved
I don't need to take credit for my work. Knowing I have done a good job is enough for me.
I'm not shy about blowing my own trumpet no matter how many people were involved
It's OK to share credit for work that I've done with other people
I'm happy when the team is recognised for joint achievement
I don't like the idea of other people getting credit for my work
I find it easier to resolve problems with my system if I'm the only person that touched it
Yes - Too many cooks spoil the broth. Being the only person on a system means I know how everytyhing is put together
No - Many hands make light work. Working together a team can still build a system that everybody understands
Yes - Having more than one person working on a system only works if it's well documented. Everybody hates writing documentation
I find it easier to resolve problems with my system if I have another pair of eyes on the problem
Yes - Two heads are better than one. My colleagues could spot something I may have missed.
No I like to work through problems on my own without interference from other people
I would find managing or mentoring someone rewarding
Yes - Managing or mentoring a colleague would be a rewarding experience
No - I'm not interested in mentoring or managing someone.
Yes - But supporting people in the Ohana outside of my work is just as rewarding
I find it hard to delegate and share tasks
Yes - I prefer to rely on myself and do everything from start to finish. I feel energised and enthused from owning a project.
No - I’m happy to share the workload and let others handle some tasks so I can focus on my own.
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