The Titanic The Movie

The Titanic left Southampton on the southern coast of England before stopping in France and Ireland on route to New York City when it hit an iceberg and sank in the North Atlantic Ocean? On what date did the Titanic sink?
April 14th, 1912
December 25th, 1919
April 15th, 1925
May 15th, 1932
What was the name of Leonardo DiCaprios character in Titanic?
Jack Dawson
Cal Hockley
Jack Weaver
Brock Lovett
What was the name of the diamond in the necklace which the older Rose through into the ocean?
The Heart Of The Ocean
The Blue Ocean
The Heart Of The World
The Blue Stone
How did Rose and Jack meet on the Titanic?
When Jack saved Rose when she almosts jumped off the ship
When jack asked to draw a picture of Rose
When rose was crying on a bench and jack tried comfort her
At a party
On the night Jack ate dinner in first class, what did the group of people make a toast to ?
To making it count
Never letting go
Live and let live
There goes my life
Who is the director of Titanic ?
James Cameron
Steven Speilberg
Quentin Tarantino
Ray Liotta
What did Jack yell as he hung over the front of the Titanic?
I'm the king of the world
This is so cool
I'm in charge
This is so high
Which Titanic star, the youngest person to ever receive six Academy Award nominations, had to use a fake American accent?
Kate Winslet
Leonardo DiCaprio
Kathy Bates
Willian Dafoe
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