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Find out which Bonifacio sibling you are in the quiz below!

1. Do you often doubt your life decisions?
A. Yes! I often look back and wonder, "What if?"
B. No. I only move forward.
C. Yes, but I don't have to tell everyone.
D. No, because YOLO!!!
2. Are you proud of your success and achievements?
A. I would, if I became successful.
B. Yes, because I work hard and everyone should know that.
C. Yes, but I don't feel the need to show off.
D. I don't need people's attention to my success to be happy.
3. Do you keep secrets from your family?
A. Yes, sometimes it's okay to lie if it means I don't hurt anyone.
B. Yes, because I don't want anyone's perception of me to change.
C. Yes, because I don't want to be judged.
D. Yes, because they don't really know who I am.
4. Do you share your struggles with your family? Do you ask for their help?
A. I can fix my own problems, and I don't need anyone to "save" me.
B. There's value in teamwork in problem solving, but only if I'm the leader.
C. I can fake it until I make it.
D. I don't even know how to talk to them about it.
5. Do you put family first?
A. As much as I can. I'll sacrifice everything for my family.
B. Of course, but I have a job and a career and those are important too.
C. Yes! But I have responsibilities too and it's hard to choose.
D. I would, but I never felt like they needed me to.
{"name":"Find out which Bonifacio sibling you are in the quiz below!", "url":"","txt":"1. Do you often doubt your life decisions?, 2. Are you proud of your success and achievements?, 3. Do you keep secrets from your family?","img":""}
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