Which is the fuction of heart?
Pumping blood
Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air and blood take place
Filtration of urine
The arterial system mainly develops from the _____________
Venous system
Aortic arches
Vitelline arteries
Which system is responsible for transport, protection and regulation?
Respiratory System
Integumentary System
Cardiovascular System
Excretroy System
The person who introduced the term "electrocardiogram" for the first time is________.
Carlo Matteucci
Emil Dubois
Willem Einthoven
William Einthoven
_____________adds augmented limb leads, aVR, aVL, and aVF - with Einthoven's limb leads and chest leads.
Young and Koeing
Emanuel Goldberger
Claude Beck
Norman Jeff Holter
Which is not true about Electrocardiography?
refers to the technique that is used to record the electrical impulses that immediately follow the contraction and relaxations of the lungs
It causes no discomfort to the patient
Used to diagnose heart problems
It is used to diagnose arrythmia, coronary thrombosis, Coronary heart disease and more.
Which is not correct about preparing a patient to perform EKG?
Instruct the patients to remove all jewelry
Men are generally bare-chested, while women often wear bras or gowns.
Test usually takes 20 minutes
Areas where electrodes are placed need to be cleaned and/or shaved
Which factors does not affect the EKG test?
Exercising before testing
Moving or talking during the procedure
Breathing too fast
All can affect
Which leads look at the inferior part of the heart?
I, aVL
Which is not correct about leads?
Leads I, II, III are electrically equidistant from the hearts electicall activity
Leads I, II, III are not electrically equidistant from the hearts electical activity
aVF placed on the left foot on the left lower abdomen
Lead I is positive on the left arm , negative electrode on right arm
Which is a correct lead placement?
V1 - left sternum, 4th intercostal space
V2 - Right sternum, 4th intercostal space
V3 - Half way between V4 and V5
V6 - in the midaxillary line, 5th intercostal space
Which is the correct duration of PR-interval?
longer than 0.2 seconds
0.04 - 0.12 seconds
0.12 - 0.20 secods
0.08 - 0.12 seconds
Which is correct about T waves?
Represents repolarization of the atria
Duration is usually about 0.20 seconds
T waves that are inverted may indicate coronary ischemia, left ventricular hypertrophy, CNS disorder, and/or Wellen's syndrome
T - waves that are flat may indicate hyperkalemia or coronary ischemia
Which is correct?
Polarization defines when cardiac cells are resting with no electrical activity taking place
Depolarization refers to the impulse that causes relaxation, but not the relaxation itself
Repolarization refers to the electrical recovery of the heart as cells discharge an impulse
Which is correct about arrhythmia?
Arrhythmia is a disorder of the heart beating either too fast or too slow
It is caused by problems with the heart's electrical conduction system
Symptoms include chest pain, SOB, fainting, sweating, and faster or slower heart beat
Which is not true about Congestive heart failure?
Condition when the heart is unable to pump enough blood to the body
Chronic, long-term condition
Acute, short term condition
Causes may be heart valve disesae and/or heart attack
Which is correct about Myocardial Ischemia? (Mark all that applies)
Condition in which blood flow to the heart is permanently decreased
Causes may include coronray disease, blood clots, and/or coronary spasm
Symptoms include leg swelling because of edema
Diagnostic tests include blood tests, EKG, stress, and/or coronary angiography
Which is not correct about Thrombophlebitis?
Swelling or inflmamtion of veins caused by blood clots
Causes may include surgery or sitting for long periods
Treatment may include antibiotics and/or NSAIDs
Diagnosis cannot be made by physical examination
Which is a condition of severe arrhythmia?
Ventricular fibrillation
Myocardial Ischemia
Heart Murmur
Which is known as Heart attack?
Heart murmur
Myocardial Infarction
Coronary Heart Disease
Congestive Heart Failure
A condition in which fatty materials collect on the artery walls is called____________
Atrial fibrillation
Ventricular fibrillation
Which of the following conditions is named because of it's effect on the heart wall muscles?
Heart murmur
Which is a heart muscle condition in which the cause includes a genetic defect?__________?
Atrial fibrillation, true is
Diagnosis can be made by coronary angiography or EKG
Causes may include medications, overactive thyroid gland, and/or coronary heart disease
disorder of the heart involving rapid and irregular heart rate
Which is not a common Heart medical condition?
Atrial fibrillation
The most common cardiac test done in ambulatory care is the _______________
Coronary Angioplasty
CT scan
Which is not correct on Holter monitoring?
Ambulatory monitoring is fairly common in cardiology practice and sometimes in family practice
The EKG Technician is not responsible for attaching electrodes to the trunk and providing patient educaiton.
Prior to placement of electrodes for ambulatory monitoring, the EKG Technician should review the manufacturer's guideleines
Patients are instructed to assume their normal activities and keep a diary of those activities.
Which is not true on Stress testing?
Stress testing is typically completed in hospital environments where thorough monitoring and emergency equipment is available
One of the greatest risks associated with this testing is cardiac arrest.
Stress testing can be conducted in a cardiology specialty setting
Patients, typically, are not attached to heart monitoring equipment, but they excercise on a treadmill or stationary bike to see how the heart handles the stress.
Which is not true on transmitting results of EKG?
If a single-channel EKG machine is used, it can be necessary to mount the tracing prior to delivering it to the provider for interpretation
If the EKG is a multi-channel machine, it is likely that the tracing is complete and ready for provider interpretation
Some machines even provide an interpretation.
For both single and multi-channel EKGs, it doesnot become part of the patient's medical record
The normal P wave should be
Negatively deflected
Positively deflected
Plain straight line
The same as iso-electric line
If P is negatively deflected it's probably _____________
Ventricular Arrhythmias
Atrial Dysrhythmias
Jucntional Dysrhythmias
AV block
If the typical impulse pathways from SA node to AV node is disrupted, the patient most likely has which of the following?
The impulse pathways from Bundle branches to Purkinje is not occuring
The impulse pathway from RBB to LBB is not occuring
The impulse pathway from SA node to AV node is not occurring
The impulse pathway from AV node to Bundle of HIS is not occurring
If the QRS appears wide and bizzare, the EKG technician should suspect ____________
Sinus Arrhythmia
Atrial Arrhythmia
Ventricular Arrhythmia or PVC
Junctional rhythm
A more severe form of atrial arrhythmia is ______________
Atrial fibrillation
Ventricular Fibrillation
Premature atrial complex, PAC
No answer
Which is correct about ventricles?
An upper chamber of the heart is responsible for pumping blood to the lungs and entire body
A lower chamber of the heart is responsible for pumping blood to the lungs and entire body
Rapid Heart rate
Period of time during which the heart muscle is in a contracted state, recorded as the top number on a blood pressure reading
Period of time during which the heart muscle is in a contracted state, recorded as the top number on a blood pressure reading; the first Korotkoff sound heard when performing an auscultated blood pressure is ______________
Systolic Pressure
Diastolic Pressure
Stress test
Stress test is a test designed to provoke ischemia and related EKG changes to aid in diagnosing cardiac abnormalities; It is also known as _____________
Stenotic Test
Standard precautions
Excercise stress test
A narrow or constricted valve is termed as _________________
Equipment for measuring blood pressure that typically appears as a dial with numbers, a bulb, and a blood pressure cuff is called________________.
Sinoatrial node
Safety data sheet
A small mass of tissue, located in the right upper atrium, serves as the heart's primary pacemaker. Which is not correct about this nervous tissue?
Depolarization produces P wave
It is referred to as the primary pacemaker of the heart
its called SA node
its called AV node
A dividing wall or partition, such as the one found between the two atria or the two ventricles is termed as ______________
Which is the correct definition of repolarization?
The contraction phase of the heart that prepares the heart for another depolarization
The contraction phase of the heart that prepares the heart for another repolarization
The relaxation phase of the heart that prepares the heart for another depolarization
The relaxation phase of the heart that prepares the heart for another repolarization
Fibers that serve to conduct electrical impulses through the right and left ventricles, causing ventricular depolarization is called ___________.
Positive defelection
Which defines precordial leads?
Six leads placed on the anterior chest to record bipolar electrical activity of the heart at a specified location
Ten leads placed on the anterior chest to record unipolar electrical activity of the heart at a specified location
Four leads placed on the arm and legs to record unipolar electrical activity of the heart at a specified location
Six leads placed on the anterior chest to record unipolar electrical activity of the heart at a specified location
Standard waveforms found on the EKG tracing, each corresponding to a specific event within one full electrical cycle of the heart is _____________
Positive deflection
PQRST waves
ST waves
The downward presentation of wavefroms on the EKG tracing that is located below the isoelectric line is _________________
Negative deflection
Myocardial infarction
The middle muscular layer of the heart responsible for heart contraction is ____________
The straight line on the EKG tracing between cardiac cycles where no electrical activity of the heart is being conducted and no deflection is noted is termed as ____________
Isoelectric line
Infarction is defined as:
Between ribs
death of tissue due to a lack of oxygenation, usually due to a blockage in circulation
Portable battery-operated device that continously monitors heart activity 24 hours or longer
Ambulatory mionitor
A portable battery-operated device that continously monitors heart activity 24hours or longer; is also known as ____________
Stress Testing
12 Lead EKG
Holter Monitor
A state of quivering with no orgaized contraction of heart muscles is termed as______________
A state of rapid, wavelike contractions of heart muscles is termed as ________________
Ectopic beat is defined as _____________
Written record or tracing produced by the electrocardiograph machine
Sensor placed that interferes between the heart and an EKG machine
Originating in an area of the heart other than the SA node
Originating in an area of the heart other than the AV node
The innermost layer of the heart is termed as _____________
Form of outpatient cardiac testing that involves the patient triggering the machine to record when cardiac symptoms occur is termed as ______________
Event recorder
Health monitor
Cardiac monitor
Cardiac recorder
Which is correct about the term depolarization?
Excessive sweating
Period of time when the heart muscle is relaxing, recorded as the bottom number of blood pressure; the last Kortkoff sound heard when performing an auscultated blood pressure
Complex process involving the opening of sodium and potassium channels on the surface of cardiac cells resulting in the loss of polarity.
Depolarization of the muscle tissue generally causes the muscle to relax
An instrument used to measure distances on an EKG tracing is termed as _________________
Cardiac arrest
The absence of cardiac activity is termed as ______________
Cardiac Complex
Cardiac arrest
Coronary artery
Which does not match the definition of the term?
Bradycardia - Slow heart rate
bundle branch block - Damage or interference in the electrical pathway through the septum altering the contraction of the ventricles
Bundle Branch - Part of the conduction system responsible for transmitting electrical impulses from the the AV node to the purkinje fibers to trigger ventricular depolarization
Bundle of HIS - A part of the conduction system responsible for receiving electrical impulses from the AV Node and transmitting the impulses to the ventricualr muscles
Which is the term used and has a designated unit of millivolt?
Which is correct about aorta?
The largest vein in the human body, which carries oxygenated blood away from the heart
The largest artery in the human body, which carries oxygenated blood away from the heart
The lower, pointed end of the heart
An abnormal heart rhythm, also called dysrhythmia
A mark on the EKG tracing caused by factors other than the heart's electrical activity (movement, electrical or magnetic interference) is termed as_____________________
Atrial kick
AV block
A small muscular, pouch-like structure that fills the ventricles with blood is called _____________
lower Chambers
Unipolar leads created by combining two of the three limb leads to create a postive electrode called aVR, aVL, and aVF are called ____________________
Chest leads
Limb leads
Augmented leads
Precordial leads
Listening to the body sounds (heart, lung, digestive tract) using a stethoscope is called____________
Using the 1500 method determine the heart rate with R-R having 15 little boxes and rhythm is regular.
Using a 6-second method, detemine the patient's heart rate. There are 12 QRS waves in the 6-second strip.
Using the 6-second method, calculate the patient's heart rate if there are 19 QRS waves in the 6 second EKG tracing.
An EKG tracing shows regular rhythm, There are 5 little boxes between R-R, P wave is upright, round and symmetrical, PRI is 0.12 seconds, and QRS duration is 0.04 second. Identify the arrythmia.
Sinus bradycardia
Sinus Tachycardia
Junctional bradycardia
Junctinal tachycardia
An EKG tracing shows regular rhythm, normal P wave and normal QRS. PRI has 4 little boxes. Determine the duration of the PRI.
0.08 seconds
0.12 seconds
0.16 seconds
0.28 seconds
An EKG tracing shows regular rhythm, normal P wave and normal QRS. QRS has 2 little boxes. Determine the duration of QRS
0.04 seconds
0.06 seconds
0.12 seconds
0.08 seconds
An EKG tracing shows regular rhythm, normal P wave and normal QRS. QT has 9 little boxes. Determine the duration of the QT interval
0.25 seconds
0.3 seconds
0.36 seconds
0.4 seconds
Which of the following abnormal waveforms in the EKG tracing requires immediate emergent treatment of the patient?
Prolonged QRS Complex
ST Segment depression
Prolonged PRI
ST Segment elevation
Which of the following isnot included as an emergent treament of ST elevation which is a sign of current Myocardial Infarction?
Adminstration of Medication
Oxygen as directed by facility protocols
Antipain medications for chest pain
In lead II which is not a correct finding?
Inverted T wave
Upright P wave
Upright R wave
Upright T wave
An EKG rhythm doesnot have a P wave before QRS Complex. The most probable rhythm is ______________
An EKG Rhythm has no P wave and has an elongated QRS Complex, the most probable rhythm is _______________ .
An EKG tracing has a pattern of "saw tooth" appearance P waves, the probable rhythm is _________________.
Atrial Flutter
Ventricular fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation
SVT or Supraventricualr Tachycardia
In an EKG tracing there are spikes seen before P and QRS waves, which of the following is shown on the EKG tracing?
Heart block
Pacemaker spikes
Ventricular fibrillation
Atrial flutter
The EKG tracing has an ST elevation. Which is the most probable Interpretation?
Heart block
Myocardial infarction
Ventricualr fibrillation
Atrial flutter
An EKG tracing has an ST segment depression. Which of the following is shown on the tracing?
Heart block
Junctional rhythm
Wandering atrial pacemaker(WAP)
If the patient had a left leg amputation, how should the EKG technician modify the electrode placement for this test?
Both the left and right lower limb electrodes should be placed on the distal thigh, at the same level, on each leg
Both the left and right lower limb electrodes should be placed on the distal thigh, at different level on each leg
Both the left and right lower limb electrodes should be placed on the distal leg, at the same level on each side
Both the left and right lower limb electrodes should be placed on the shoulder, at the same level on each side
How would the EKG technician modify the precordial leads if they didnot all fit into the patient's chest?
Move V3 to the right side of the chest at the same level it would have been on the left
Move V4 to the right side of the chest at the same level it would have been on the left
Move V2 to the right side of the chest at the same level it would have been on the left
Move V5 to the right side of the chest at the same level it would have been on the left
If the patient began shivering once he removed his shirt, what possible artifact could develop on the tracing?
AC interference
Wandering baseline
Which is not correct on disrobing, gowning, and drapping instructions of EKG testing?
Take great care to protect privacy and make the patient feel as comfortable as possible
When disrobed, the patient will be undressed from waist up and have lower legs or ankles accessible for lead placement
Panty hose or tights shouldnot be removed, and socks not adjusted to expose the skin for lead placement
A drape or gown should be worn with the opening in the front
Which is correct about preparations for EKG testing?
Explain it is an invasive procedure
Explain it's a little bit of painful procedure
Explain that the procedure takes 30 min to an hour time to complete
Explain that it records the electrical activity of the heart
After explaining that you will apply sticky electrodes to the patient's chest, arm, and legs follows to explain________________
that the electrodes may not be easily removed
that you need to use alcohol pad to remove the electrode pads
you will clean the skin but donot need to trim or shave hair if necessary to ensure proper contact between the skin and electrode
that clipping is preferred over shaving to reduce the chances of skin irritaion
Which is correct on stress testing?
Any concerns about the heath and safety of the patient, the test is stopped
All patients require an IV and will receive medication to cause coronary vasodilation, which increses the blood flow in normal vessels and lessens blood flow in stenotic ones
Medications cannot be used if excercising to raise the heart rate is not possible
Potential complications including hypotension, arrythmias, and myocardial infarction are common
Which is a correct patient educating prior to the day of stress testing?
Avoid caffiene(coffee, tea, chocolate, soda, tobacco, and alcohol for at least 3 hours prior to the test.
De-caffeinated products should not be avoided
Eat light meal 4 hours prior to the test or according to the provider
Stop all medications taken routinely unless otherwise directed by the provider
Which is correct for intraprocedural preparation of stress testing?
Alert on the time it takes as it varies. Allow 1 - 2 hours to complete the entire procedure
Tell patient, if there is itching, swelling, or redness where the electrodes contact the skin, notify the technician
A base line EKG is taken at rest followed by walking on a threadmill or using a running bike to gradually increase physical activity until symproms are experienced, fatigu or illness occurs, or a target heart rate is reached
Inform the physician of any allergies or health issues, such as reactions to rubber or latex, excercise induced asthma or respioratory distress, or history of using an inhaler
After finishing stress test instruct the patient _______________except (MARK ALL THAT APPLY)
Sit or stand still for a few minutes while the machine continues to record heart activity
Resume normal activities as tolerated
The test can be stopped at any time if fatigue, lightheadedness, dizziness, SOB
If necessary the skin will be cleaned with alcohol and hair might be removed to make sure electrodes stick
Which is not correct about Holter Monitoring?
Holter monitor is not the commonest types of ambulatory devices used to monitor th eelectrical activity of the heart
It is used to check the hearts electrical activity over 24-48 hours (sometimes longer) using three or five leads
It can detect problems that occur transiently
It is noninvasive, easy to complete, and requires minimal preparation and instruction
Which is not correct on Patient educaiton for Holter Monitoring?
Bathe prior to the scheduled appoitnment if they know the monitor will be attached
Avoid removing the electrodes or immersing the device in water after it's in place
Wear loose-fitting clothing so the monitor can be worn under a shirt or blouse. The Holter mointor can be worn with a bra
Patients can remove electrodes or leads during testing
Which shows correct education and understanding of the patient's response on Holter monitoring?
Holter monitor is inconvinient and has significant side effects so I donot want to wear
Can I keep the monitor intact with me after the test is finished
If I have a serious side effect, I call the physician's office
I need to keep journal for the duration of the test.
Which is not correct on five lead setup in the most configurations?
White lead: Right sternal border first rib
Black lead: Left side, anterior axillary line, fifth rib
Red lead: Right sternal border, third rib
Brown lead: Right sternal border, first rib directly opposite the white lead
Which is correct about Green lead? (ALL that apply)
Its the ground lead
On five Lead, apply at right lower thoracic area anywhere in the rib cage
On five Lead, apply at right lower thoracic area anywhere in the abdomen
On five Lead, apply at right upper thoracic area anywhere in the rib cag
Which is not correct about three lead EKG?
It's one of the oldest means of obtaining a picture of the electrical activity of the heart
It's one of the high tech means of obtaining a picture of the electrical activity of the heart
It's used mainly in EDs, telemetry monitoring or during the procedures where continous monitoring of the heart is necessary
The electrodes and leads are arranged to form Einthoven's Triangle
Which is not correct on Stress testing?
Stress testing requires slight modification of limb lead electrode placement to minimize limb motion artifact
Place the six precordial leads V1 through V6 in the same location required for the standard 12 lead EKG
Place the four limb lead electrodes same locations required for the standard 12 lead EKG
All are correct
Which lead placement for stress testing is correct?
White lead: Right lower abdominal area
Black lead: Left lower abdominal area
Red lead: Left lower abdominal area
Green lead: Left lower abdominal area
Which is correct on telemetry monitoring?
Telemetry monitoring is used for extended period of time (usually in a hospital settings)
It can be executed in either seven - or twelve - lead setup
The white electrode is placed on the left shoulder
The black electrode is placed on the right shoulder area
Which isnot correct about brown electrode placed for telemetry?
in five lead setup, a brown elelctrode is placed just to the right of the bottom of the sternum
The brown lead provides similar information to lead V1 in the stadanrd 12-lead tracing
In three lead setup a green electrode is placed on the lower right abdominal area
All are correct
Some cardiac conditions can require a right sided 12 lead EKG, except
Inferior wall ST segement elevation
Myocardial Infarction
Patients above 8 years of age
Which lead/s is/are added for a posterior EKG?
V7, V8 and V9
Which is correct about lead placement modification?
Lead placement must be modified in patients who have prior extremity amputations
Leads can be moved to an area just above the knees and elbows in patients who have had distal extremity amputations
If the amputation site is close to the torso, EKG electrodes can be placed on the patient's torso close to the point of attachment and uniformily placed on both sides of the body
Which is a key responsibility of the EKG Technician in verification that all leads are recorded?
Verify demographic data is accurate
Verify leads are properly attached
Verify the recording is clear of artifacts and ready for provider interpretation
In ensuring leads are properly attached is to observe the Lead I complexes, which should result in ________________
Negative deflection
Positive deflection
Zero or isoelectric deflection
What does it show if Lead I is negatively inverted?
One or more leads is incorrectly attached
Chest leads are incorrectly placed
The ground lead is not placed
The connection of the electric cord is disconnected to the machine
Which is not a form of an artificat?
Wandering baseline
All are
Which cannot be one of the causes of wandering baseline?
Movement of cables or leads during the reading
Patient movement
Loose electrodes
Cell phone
Patient has a labored breathing, which artificat is possible on the EKG tracing?
Wandering baseline
AC interference
Somatic tremor
Interrupted baseline
A patient shivers during a winter season, which artificat can be the possibility on the EKG tracing?
Somatic tremor
Wandering baseline
Interrupted baseline
AC interference
There are uneven spikes on the EKG tracings. The EKG technician knows that it's an artificat, which kind of artificat is the most probable?
Interrupted baseline
Somatic tremor
AC interfernce
Wandering baseline
There are uniform sharp spikes on the EKG tracings. The EKG technician knows that it's an artificat, which is the most probable artifact?
Interrupted baseline
Somatic tremor
AC interfernce
Wandering baseline
Which cannot be the cause of an AC interference?
Cell phone
Electrical currents running through the walls
IV pump
Which step should you do to avoid AC interference?
Ensure cell phone is off
Move away cell phone from the patient during the procedure
Make sure the exam table is pulled away from the wall
All can be
On an EKG tracing the EKG technician saw a tracing that is not continuous. This is demonstrated as which kind of artifcat?
Wandering baseline
AC interference
Interrupted baseline
Somatic tremor
An EKG technician saw a fully non-recorded lead, this can be casued by
Broken lead wires
disconnected leads
Frayed lead wires
An EKG technician saw a fully nonrecorded lead, which parameters should the EKG technician take to avoid such issues?
Regular observation of lead wires
double-checking connections prior to running the machine
Maintenance of lead wires
All help
Which is not a sign of distress while monitoring a patient during a stress testing?
Mild SOB
Which should be notified to the physician as serious complicaiton during Stress testing?
Persistent arrhythmia
Mild SOB
To effectively conduct an EKG and prepare patients for cardiac testing, the EKG technician must have knowledge of the ______________and _________________
Cardiovascular system and electrical conduciton system of the heart
Lungs and air conduction system
Kidneys and water balance system
Cardiovascular system and Pressure and volume system
It's the ______ responsibility to interpret the EKG tracing
EKG technician's
EKG technician's reponsibility include all the following except:
Understanding of waveforms, complexes, intervals, and segments found in common cardiac tests
Recognize critical findings such as life threatening arrhythmias in order to alert the provider for the administration of immediate treatment
You must also know how to calculate heart rates and interprete heart rhythms
All are
Which is not the method used to calculate heart rate?
1500 method
6-second method
Sequence method
150 method
If the number of little boxes in between of R and R in a normal sinus rhythm is 15, calculate the heart rate.
If there are 6 R waves in an irregular rhythm, Which method do you use to calculate the heart rate?
If there are 6 QRS complexes in 6 seconds: the heart rate calculated using a 6-second method is:
6 x 20
6 / 10
6 x 10
6 x 100
A patient's age is 50, what is the calculated Maximum Heart Rate?
A patient's age is 50, what is the calculated Target Heart Rate?
Target heart rate is typically calculated using between _____________of the maximum heatr rate.
60 and 80%
60 and 85%
70 and 80%
90 and 100%
The P wave represents _______________
Ventricular depolarization
Atrial depolarization
Ventricular repolarization
Atrial repolarization
QRS is a representative of _______________
Ventricular depolarization
Atrial depolarization
Ventricular repolarization
Atrial repolarization
Irregular intervals in Q waves can represent ____________dysfucntion
Atrial repolarization is not visible on EKG tracing but occurs during this phase:
QRS complex
J point
T wave
U wave
QRS duration
From end of PR interval which is beginning of Q wave and ends at the J point
After a brief pause following J wave
It's not usually visible but represents a repolarization of the bundle of HIS
The time it takes for the SA node to fire, atria to depolarize, and electrical activity to travel through the AV node
The ___________point reresents the exact in time where ventricular depolarization stops, and ventricular repolarization starts
R-R interval
P-P interval
U wave
J point
The ___________________interval represents one complete ventricular cycle.
The _______________segment begins at the end of the P wave and ends at the beginning of the Q wave.
The ______________segment represents the early phase of ventricular repolarization.
The ______________segment represents the early phase of ventricular repolarization.
Which is not correct about the waveform characteristics?
1mm square vertically equals 0.1mv
Two large squares vertically equals 1mv
1mm square vertically equals 0.04s
All are correct
Which is correct about a normal P wave?
The shape of P wave should be consistent and measure the same voltage through out the tracing
Assess each P wave to detemine if the amplitude is symmetrical.
P waves with right and left sides that form mirror images on the vertical axis exhibit symmetry
Which is correct about the three pacemakers within the heart?
The SA node is the natural, primary pacemaker and is located with in the wall of the right atrium
The secondary pacemaker is the junctional pacemaker located within the atrioventricular tissue or node.
The final pacemaker is initiated within the purkinje fibers that stimulate the ventricules
Normal sinus rhythm (NSR) is indicated by the following except:
P wave is present
Abscent P wave
P wave is upright, round and symmetrical
QRS complex is narrow
Sinus bradycardia, Heart rate is:
60 - 100/min
Sinus tachycardia is a normal EKG tracing with the exception the heart rate being _____________/min
< 60
> 100
< 50
Sinus dysrhythmia is a slight irregularity in the rhythm. It is most likely associated with _____________.
normal breathing patterns
abnormal breathing patterns
cardiac arrect
sinus arrest
{"name":"EKG", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/Q2DQHHE","txt":"Which is the fuction of the lungs?, The arterial system mainly develops from the _____________, Which system is responsible for transport, protection and regulation?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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