Do you want to monitor your brand mentions online?
Can I do that?
No, I was hoping to get Rick Rolled when I clicked this link
Do you want to build an engaged online community by posting to multiple social media sites in one place?
Can I do that?
No, still hoping for that Rick Astley thing
Do you want to search keywords and phrases across the web and social media?
I don't know
Nah, I'll risk it
What are your social media and compliance platform needs?
Team Management
Web and social media monitoring
No idea
Are you currently monitoring mentions of your brand or products across the web and social media?
Why would I do that?
True or False: I don't have time to post regularly
Very True
I thought one post a month was enough?
I try to post regularly, but it's a challenge
How would you describe your bank's social media strategy today?
We're just starting
We have a Facebook page, but no idea what to do with it
It would be great if my social media management and compliance platform was endorsed by:
The American Bankers Association
Other banks who have used the platform
Rick Astley
{"name":"Which Social Media Platform is Right for Your Bank?", "url":"","txt":"Do you want to monitor your brand mentions online?, Do you want to build an engaged online community by posting to multiple social media sites in one place?, Do you want to search keywords and phrases across the web and social media?","img":""}
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