Performance Management Framework Induction (Mentors/Supervisors)

Performance Management is an ongoing process that establishes a shared understanding of performance and behavioural expectations and requirements within an organisation.

Effectively managing performance will contribute to the achievement of:

  • fostering employee engagement and satisfaction;
  • development of a continuous learning culture;
  • high standards; and
  • retention of employees.

This Framework applies to all persons employed at Red Door Community Services and MultiSkill Centre. Separate Performance Appraisal procedures apply to staff and participants (if relevant).

Poor Performance

Inadequate or unsatisfactory execution of a role requirements or duty/s. Examples include:

  • Failure to meet due dates, to meet budgets, to produce the required quantity, or the required quality.
  • Inability to meet the role requirements may be caused by, but is not limited to; inadequate capability, effort, attention, decision making, prioritisation, or working relationships.
  • Unintentional minor breach of the Organisations policies, standards or procedures.
Unintentional or careless behaviour that impedes other employees in carrying out their duties.


Intentional, or inadvertent but serious, breach of community standards or the Organisations policies, standards or procedures including, but not limited to; dishonesty, property damage or theft; physical, verbal or electronic abuse or harassment, safety breaches, working under the influence of alcohol/drugs, breach of confidentiality.

Refusal to undertake the requirements of the role or a reasonable management direction.

Neglect of role requirements, with the potential for high risk consequences.

Intentional or negligent behaviour that impedes other employees in carrying out their duties efficiently or effectively.
Disciplinary Action
  • Informal counselling
  • Formal counselling
  • Formal warning
  • Final warning
  • Dismissal
Termination of an individual’s employment with the Organisation for poor performance, inappropriate behaviour or misconduct.
Summary Dismissal
Termination of an individual’s employment without the requirement for notice.
Procedural Justice
Where all employees are dealt with in a consistent manner. Employees have the right to be treated without judgment, the right to have an opportunity to respond to issues and the right to information regarding the status of investigations about them.
Staff in supervisory, coordination or mentoring roles
Supervisory staff shall apply all elements of the Performance Management Framework consistently and appropriately. They shall communicate to their teams the relevant Performance Management elements and explain applicable requirements as outlined in this Framework. Supervisory staff will seek the assistance of a Manager or HR to apply
Counselling, Discipline and Dismissal Procedure.

All Employees shall participate in performance appraisals openly and honestly and acknowledge areas of opportunity specified. Employees involved in the application of the Counselling, Discipline and Dismissal Procedure or Personal Health, Safety or Behaviour Management Plan shall maintain and be offered confidentiality. 

Performance Appraisals
Performance Appraisals focus on formally providing employees with specific feedback regarding behaviour and performance as well as providing suggestions for development where improvement is required.

Half-yearly progress reviews identify progress towards yearly targets and can provide recognition and praise for KPIs being undertaken to the desired standard. This is also an opportunity for Managers/Supervisors to give additional guidance, support and development in areas of underperformance.

Final year Performance Appraisals shall be conducted to ascertain whether the staff member attained their KPIs. Career progress, individuals’ goals, training and development accomplished throughout the year shall also be discussed, and new goals for the following year set.

Staff shall be given the opportunity to rate and provide feedback on their own performance and their development and career direction.

Participants Performance Appraisals

Mentors shall review the performance of their trainees at three-monthly intervals. The review is completed on the “Trainee Performance Review” Form. Instructions for reviewing employee performance are outlined on the form. Youth Skills participants do not participate in formal reviews. Trainee Performance Appraisals can be forwarded to referral agencies if relevant.

Reward and Recognition


The purpose of the Reward and Recognition Guideline provides consistency in our approach to the recognition of outstanding behaviours and performance that lead to the accomplishment of the Organisation’s strategic business goals. Reward and Recognition of employees who demonstrate desired standards of behaviour, provides positive reinforcement and increases job satisfaction and employee engagement.



Rewards and recognition shall be timely, equitable, consistent, and valued by the employees.

Reward and recognition is predominantly structured around informal praise, appreciation and acknowledgement given immediately after a desired behaviour has been demonstrated. Exemplary performance may be recognised from a collection of rewards at the Managers discretion.

Counselling, Discipline and Dissmissal 

Employee behaviour that contravenes any community standard or Organisational policy, standard, procedure or guideline is considered inappropriate and unacceptable.  

Where an employee is found to be performing poorly, or demonstrating inappropriate behaviour or misconduct, that employee shall be subject to the application Counselling, Discipline and Dismissal Procedure accordingly. This is to encourage desirable behaviour and performance, correct inappropriate behaviour and performance, and avoid reoccurrence. An Employee who demonstrates serious or wilful misconduct may be summarily dismissed.

Who does this framework apply to?
All customers that come to the Centre
All persons employed at RedDoor Community Services and MultiSkill Centre
Only supervisors employed at the centre
I acknowledge that I have read, understand and will abide by the above named framework
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