Are you looking to:
a) Make some extra money on the side
b) Find a work from home / remote job
c) Start an online business / be a freelancer?
Do you have a preference for phone or non-phone work?
a) Prefer phone work
b) Prefer non-phone work
c) Either way
Do you have a preference for any of the following?
a) Work for teens or college students
b) Work for those 50+
c) Night work
d) International opportunities
e) No preference
Bonus Question - To help Love Work at Home help you, what's your biggest challenge in relation to working from home or working remotely? We value your response, but hit Finish if you want to skip.
{"name":"Love Work at Home - Start Here QuizLOVE WORK AT HOME", "url":"","txt":"Are you looking to:, Do you have a preference for phone or non-phone work?, Do you have a preference for any of the following?","img":""}
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