Pancake Swap - Staking, Adding Liquidity and Farming

What cryptocurrency is used for paying transaction fees on Pancake Swap?
Any BEP-20 Token
You can add liquidity to Pancake Swap pools and earn CAKE tokens by staking your LP tokens.
If you want to add liquidity to the BNB-CAKE pool you must add equal dollar amounts of BNB and CAKE to the pool.
Impermanent Loss is:
The loss of funds from a hacker.
A temporary loss caused to a liquidity provider due to the volatility in a trading pair.
The loss of fees when a transaction is cancelled.
The loss of your private key.
When you provide liquidity on Pancake Swap, you will get:
Instant rewards
LP Tokens
BNB rewards
BUSD rewards
After unstaking your LP tokens from the farm, you can go to the liquidity page and remove your liquidity from the pool.
What is a "multiplier" in Pancake Swap Farming?
The multiplier number correlates with the amount of profit you will make when staking tokens.
The multiplier is the amount of CAKE token allocated to each farm.
{"name":"Pancake Swap - Staking, Adding Liquidity and Farming", "url":"","txt":"What cryptocurrency is used for paying transaction fees on Pancake Swap?, You can add liquidity to Pancake Swap pools and earn CAKE tokens by staking your LP tokens., If you want to add liquidity to the BNB-CAKE pool you must add equal dollar amounts of BNB and CAKE to the pool.","img":""}
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