Reinala's City Entrance Quiz - Are you a good blobling?

Do you believe yourself to be a good person?
Do you believe that others view you as a good person?
Do you believe those you associate with are good people?
Not all of them.
What do you think of Themis?
I believe she is good.
I believe she is not good.
I believe she is strict.
I believe she is harmful.
Have you ever committed an act of violence against another blobling, resulting in their popping or grievous injury?
Do you regret either of the above, if applicable?
What do you believe the punishment for bloblings who do bad things should be?
I believe that they should be popped, if the bad thing is severe enough.
I believe that they should be jailed.
I believe that they should be shown what to do instead and given guidance.
I believe that bloblings should be free to do as they wish, free of consequences.
You see two bloblings arguing, and it appears they are about to physically attack one another. Do you:
Intervene in a friendly and peaceful manner.
Attempt to make the argument worse, and/or encourage the fight to continue.
Ignore the argument, and leave the area.
Choose a side on the fly, and jump into the fray, thus escalating the fight to more dangerous levels.
You see a defenseless, wounded wheeple overturned and injured. It appears in bad shape, and is in need of assistance. Do you:
Immediately attempt to assist the wounded wheeple, righting it, and tending to its injuries.
Torment and tease the wounded wheeple by taunting it, spinning it, kicking it, or otherwise harming it.
Ignore the wounded wheeple, and continue about your business.
End its suffering quickly and as painlessly as possible.
Do you believe that Reinala, daughter of Themis, did something wrong?
{"name":"Reinala's City Entrance Quiz - Are you a good blobling?", "url":"","txt":"Do you believe yourself to be a good person?, Do you believe that others view you as a good person?, Do you believe those you associate with are good people?","img":""}
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