The Gryffindor Quiz

Gryffindor's are...
Brave, daring, loyal, ambitious
Cunning, brave, smart.
Smart, kind, ambitious
The Gryffindor Dormitory is close to the...
Clock Tower
The Emblem is....
A lion
A snake
A Badger
An eagle
What is the first name of the teacher who is Head of Gryffindor?
Finish the sorting hat's song about Gryffindor, from the first year: You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at_______,Their daring, nerve and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart;
What are Gryffindor's colours?
Scarlet and Gold
Navy and Silver
Scarlet and Bronze
Scarlet and Yellow
{"name":"The Gryffindor Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Gryffindor's are..., The Gryffindor Dormitory is close to the..., The Emblem is....","img":""}
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