Can we guess what type of school you attend?

How much do you like your school?
I hate it!
Not very much.
Eh, it's okay.
I enjoy it, but I'm not obsessed.
I love it!
I LIVE for school!!!
How many enemies do you have?
I'm pretty sure everyone likes me.
Not really ENEMIES, per se...
A few more than the average person.
WAY too many to count.
I don't know enough people to tell.
How likely are you to join a sports team?
0% chance!
I'd consider my options.
VERY likely! Are you kidding?
What're sports?
How much time do you spend working on homework a day?
The majority of the day.
No time at all!
A few hours.
About half the day.
What's homework?
Do you forget what you have learned over break?
A little bit of it
{"name":"Can this quiz tell what type of school you go to?", "url":"","txt":"How much do you like your school?, How many enemies do you have?, How likely are you to join a sports team?","img":""}
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