Which style package should I gift?

My budget for this gift certificate is
I'm not sure
The person receiving this gift definitely wants a whole new wardrobe
I don't know
The person receiving this gift has lots of clothing at home (old stuff, things that don't fit) that they need to get rid of
I don't know
This gift is a total surprise
Yes, I came up with this all by myself
No, the person mentioned they wanted something like this
Not sure. It's my idea, but I don't think it will be totally out of the blue.
The person receiving this gift HATES shopping
{"name":"Which style package should I gift?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QEQ1XSM","txt":"My budget for this gift is, The person receiving this gift is a, The person receiving this gift definitely wants a whole new wardrobe","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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